The Reason For Everything

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"Ayaka." Again with this voices...

"Leave me alone." My voice slurred.

"Ayaka wake up."

"I'm already up." I mumbled.

"Wake up completely or else forget seeing your brother."

"Taro is still asleep and so will I." I mumbled again.

"Actually I'm up." A familiar voice chuckled. My eyes open and I spring up off of the uncomfortable chair in the waiting room. I hesitated at first then I turned to the Host Club. Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Mori, Haruhi, Tamaki, and my favorite Kyoya. Even the nurse was there.

"Is he really?" I asked them about to cry. They nodded and tears rapidly fell from my face.

"Taro you can come in now." The nurse called out. Then he walked through the door. He stood there giving me a cheeky grin. I cup my face then I laugh a little. He open his arms wide and I gladly embrace him.

"I missed you so much Taro. I wish I never turned against you." I wept as I hug him tighter.

"Hey we're even." Taro whispered.

"And how is that?" I chuckled feeling the pressure I held quickly jump off my chest.

"You're the one who helped me get out of my little scene." Taro smiled brightly that lighted up the whole room. Even the ones who were crying in pain were smiling.

"I don't know how, but as long as I have you alive I don't care." I smiled back.

"I'll tell you one day." He chuckled.

"Actually I wanted to do something really important that I made an appointment on while you were asleep so I have to go." He started rush as if he just remembered that.

"B-But where are you-" I was cut off by him.

"Gotta go bye!!" Taro yelled running out the door. I held a confuse expression on.

"Huh." I said.

"Don't take it personally I'll see you back here or wherever we're sleeping tonight!!" I heard him yell when I glanced out the window and saw him running.

"You really let a patient run off like that? That's coming put of your reputation and paycheck Ms.Rose." Kyoya scolded the nurse. She bowed and walked out the door without saying a word.

"I didn't get a chance to tell him that we're living at your place until our parents come back." I pouted. Never tell my parents that Taro is in a coma is now noted.

"Well, he'll figure out soon." Kyoya smirked.

"Where are your parents? They are the worst leaving you unattended." Haruhu asked harshly.

"They are in Europe settling a problem with their company." I explained.

"But I have to ask." Tamaki started.

"Where is Taro going?" Everyone asked in unison.

Taro's P.O.V.

  Just got out of bed yada yada. I should rest a little more blah blah. No. I need to go talk to Nao and Mamoru. I want- no I need to know why the keep attacking us. What the want from us. Why they want to abuse Ayaka so much. They wouldn't leave us alone. This is Mamoru's second time. You'd expect him to never come back. Well this time I'm going to make sure of it. If it wasn't for that dream I would've probably died.

"Taro? Are you there? It's Ayaka, I know this seems weird but believe me if just ignore me and just end your life now my pastself will actually die. Not from suicide but from murder. Mamoru and Nao comes back worse than ever. As for I, I'm nothing but a spirit trying to warn you about your sister, about me. How are Mamoru and Nao worse? Why don't you try asking them yourself, surely you will find something from Mamoru especially. Here, I'll even show you pieces of him through all the times and despair he also went through. Many things he never told you. Since family to your time." Future Ayaka said. Before I could say a single word a hologram pops up in my face and shows me a video of Mamoru laying in his bed silently weeping but a voice echoing.

"Ayaka when will you get out of your room! Everyone here is worried about you yet want to be a selfish brat. You're upset because your fiancé died. Well guess what!? Your fiancé was my brother who died. Not only that but my only family who actually cared for me, who loved me. Now I don't even know the reason on how they died. I don't know my family's death." Mamoru's voice sounded in so much pain. Then it skipped to the scene we're Ayaka comes out of her room but Mamoru's lips doesn't move.

"Life means nothing? Then what's the point of living for you and me. We both lost people we loved dearly but to you life's is just a game? I might as well tie my neck around a rope and hang myself now. Yet, I know the Mano family cares for me so I understand I shouldn't do it." Mamoru sadly smiled. Then it skipped to when no one was in the cottage and Mamoru grabbed a knife bawling his eyes out and marched upstairs. His face was red and was soaked in his tears. He constantly kept cutting himself on his arms.

"I want to die! There's no point of living anymore!  Nao's gone, Ayaka hates me, mommy, daddy. I don't want to live anymore! I came into this family for peace not for more pain! Ayaka was right in every way. Life means absolutely nothing, people are just puppets constantly being useless and thrown out when unwanted!" Mamoru's been going through all this pain alone? He has never told me about any of this. Is he really hiding everything with a mask? I thought he was over it... I gazed at hologram more and then he stopped all of the sudden.

"But what about Taro? He cares for me exactly like Nao did. He tries masking me laugh, entertaining me. If I really kill myself, how would he feel...? Maybe... I should stop..." Mamoru looked at his arms in horror than through the knife across the room. He quickly ran into the bathroom to wash up. Then the hologran disappears and future Ayaka sadly smiles.

"This whole time we hold a deep grudge against him but now it seems worthless. Let's pretend you still chose you wanted to die. Now watch this one when he finds out you died." Future Ayaka said and then the hologram pops back up. Mamoru is crying again but this time it's with hatred and he's holding a knife but is pointing it at someone else. I-Is that Ayaka!?

"You killed him! You took him away from me! We could've been so close, you and I could've clear up our mishaps! But now you've done it! Taro's gone! All thanks to you Mamoru!!" Ayaka screamed tears flowing.

"M-My fault?? I-I just didn't want him getting in the way. I just didn't want to lose him. He's the only reason why I'm still alive. It's your fault, Ayaka. If you didn't bother pushing us away we could gotten along. Our pressure could've been lifted. Yet, you decided to build a wall. Don't blame me for your mishaps." Mamoru glared at Ayaka then stabbed her in the chest. Ayaka's eyes widened and she collapsed in death. Mamoru looked at what he did horror then held her tightly.

"Don't leave me Ayaka! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! You're the last sibling I have, don't leave me!" Mamoru wept. Getting blood all over his clothes and on the floor. When it went away I looked at Future Ayaka in confusion.

"Last sibling? What happened to Nao?" I asked finally being able to speak.

"Nao was shot by a police when attacking him." She said.

"I must go. This is your choice Taro. I believe you will make the right one and change my future." Future Ayaka smiled then pointed behind me. I turned around and saw myself. My futureself.

"I believe you will change all of our futures." Myself smiled. Showing me future Mamoru and Nao. I ran up to future Mamoru and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks for everything you gave to me Taro." Future Mamoru smiled and a tear fell on my shoulder.

    I need to change our futures. Starting by talking to them and I won't quit until I get the last drop. Wait for me Mamoru, I'll change your painful future. I'll change everyone's.

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