It Doesn't Matter

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   As I was going up the tube, but then felt uncomfortable going to Ichiya's room in a superhero's suit. I mean I like it but it'll be pretty awkward.

"Activating change." The woman's voice boomed. The suit started to fade away and underneath was my normal clothes. The only thing that wasn't mine was the ear piece that was clipped onto my ear.

"Miss Ayaka this ear piece should not be removed at all times while in Ichiya's room." Computer said.

"Hey Computer, do you have any other name?" I asked. I'm tired of calling her Computer.

"Well at times, Taro calls me May. Yet, it doesn't matter to me." She said.

"Is it okay if I call you May?" I asked.

"Yes, you may." She said and gave a robotic laugh.

"You tell puns too? We're going to get along just fine." I laughed.

"You have arrived at your stop. Just open the trapdoor and you will be able to speak to Ichiya." May said. I landed on the ground, mostly with my face. I need to get use to that. I stood up and rubbed my face.

"Miss Ayaka, you have to make sure Mamoru or Nao don't come near the room with you in there, because the suit will automatically transform." She warned.

"How do I make sure Mamoru or Nao isn't near?" I asked.

"Taro has put a listening device on each of their phones and shoes so you will be able to hear." May explained.

"Got it. Then please turn on the listening device for Nao to his phone." I said slowly and quietly opening the trapdoor above my head.

"Yes. Activating Listening Device on, Nao, phone, connected."

"Where the heck did she go!?" I heard Nao's voice.

"I don't know Nao. I don't even know how she would even get out, we locked the doors." Mamoru said in the background.

"Then why isn't she in the room!?" He yelled. I wanted to snicker, but I held it in and got out.

"Hey Ichiya, you in here?" I whispered finding him on his bed laying down. When he heard my voice he sprung up.

"A-Ayaka?" He whispered back. I walked to his bed and sat next to him.

"Long time no see." I smiled.

"What're you doing here? How did you get in here?" He whispered loudly.

"Miss Ayaka, there are cameras in the room. How shall I take them out?" May asked.

"However you wish." I smirked.

"As said." She responded and the cameras blew up with sparks flying from it. Ichiya flinched looking at the broken cameras.

"What was that sound?" Nao's voice echoed through the ear piece.

"What is going on?" Ichiya asked afraid.

"Don't worry Ichiya, I'll get you out of this prison." I said.

"Are they still outside?" Nao asked.

"Yeah." Mamoru answered.

"Send them back home, tell them Ayaka's sick." He said.

"I can't go you idiot! I'll be sent back to that crappy place in an instant!"

"Ugh, fine I'll go."

"You so stupid Nao. You can't go either, if you go out there, they're going to find it suspicious."

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