K-Kidnapped!? Pt.3

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You got part of her background, will you get the rest in this chapter?
Taro's P.O.V.

What am I suppose to do? Kyoya's weak private police force hasn't found Ayaka yet. I can't focus on anything. I would pace around and I already told mom and dad what happened, and I regret how much I had.

They have been calling non-stop everyday asking if Ayaka has returned which puts more stress on me. It's hard to tell your parents that your younger sister has been kidnapped for a week with no evidence behind, and that your brother who is becoming more distant from you by the second.

Mamoru has been more and more upset everyday and it doesn't look like it relates to Ayaka's capture. I knock on his door and I get no response. I open the door.

"Mamoru?" I asked going into the room. He was sobbing on the ground curled up into a ball. I ran towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. He tensed up and got on his knees.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" He shook in horror. He had dark circles under his eyes, he look like he hasn't been getting any sleep, and his clothes are... bloody...

"Wh-What do you mean?" I asked backing up a little scared.

"She won't wake up... She's barely breathing I tried everything threatening to worrying, but she won't wake up." He creepily smiled at me with tears flowing down his eyes.

"W-Who?" I was to frightened to know. I backed up into a wall as he crawled to me.

"Ayaka. She won't wake up." His smile continued to grow and he looked at me with bloodshot eyes. My eyes widened and I kicked him away.

"You knew where she was this whole time!?" I yelled at him. He still had that creepy smile on his face as he wipes the blood off his face.

"Do I know where she is? Yes, of course. What kidnapper wouldn't know where he puts his own victim." He laughed. I gritted my teeth and my body moved by itself. I got on top of him and punched him nonstop. Not until I was I satisfied.

"Where is she!?" I yelled at him as loud as I could. I punched him with all my strength and Ichiya ran in. His eyes widened and he pulled me off of him.

"Where is she Mamoru!?" I yelled struggling to get Ichiya to let me go.

"Taro call down!" Ichiya said trying his best to hold me down.

"No! I won't calm down! Where is she!?" I yelled glaring at him. Behind Ichiya was the Host Club. What great timing they have.

"Mamoru where is Ayaka!?" I continue to ask him. Ichiya wouldn't let me go. I continued to struggle. The Host Club watched in silence. Mamoru stood up with the wall's support with the same smile.

"Shouldn't it be obvious? Nao's house, but I doubt she would wake up, actually I think she might be dead." He shook in fear, but still continues to smile.

"What's going on?" Haruhi asked stepping forward.

"Mamoru... kidnapped Ayaka..." I never took my eyes off of Mamoru. Ichiya eyes widened and let me go. He walked towards him and choked him.

"You. Did. What?" He asked lifting him up. Mamoru tried calling for help but everyone turned against him.

"To think you actually cared about Ayaka." I almost whispered. Ichiya let him go and he collapsed to the floor gasping for air. I looked at the Host Club and backed away. They are way scarier than I was. Their hair was covering their eyes so it makes it hard to describe them.

Honey is frightening to look at, but Haruhi is the one I'm afraid of. I don't want to explain why either. Haruhi went toward Mamoru and dragged him outside the door and the rest followed.

Me and Ichiya look at each other and followed as well, but from a distant. They dragged him all the way outside, it was funny watching Haruhi drag him down the stairs while he was choking on his shirt. Once they found a grassy area they circled around him and Mori cracked his knuckles.

"Just know, you've made a big mistake kidnapping our Ayaka." Kyoya glared at him with a creepy grin. Mamoru looked at them in horror and his smile finally faded away.

~After Beating Mamoru To A Pulp~

"Where's Nao's house?" Tamaki asked worried.

"I don't really recall, but my driver should memorize the place." We ran to my limo leaving Mamoru with Ichiya.

"Are you sure we can leave Mamoru with your Butler?" Honey asked worried.

"I'm sure of it." I smiled weakly. He was well trained when Dad hired him. He always expects the best. I knock on the driver's window as he cracked it down.

"How may I be at your service Mr. Mano?" He asked eating a sandwich.

"Take us to Nao's house!" I demanded.

"T-The Ishimoto residence?" He asked dropping his sandwich on his lap. As long as he doesn't get it in my limo I don't care.

"Yes, please." I begged.

"O-Okay." He said unsure. I ran and opened the door for everyone.

"Hurry up!" I yelled at them as they piled in. I jumped in and the driver took off. I really hope that Ayaka is alright. If she really is having a hard time breathing and still asleep long ago... she might be dead right now. I cover my face with my hands and my head was full of thought of what happened to her.

Ayaka hold on, we're coming. Don't die yet.

Once we parked in front of his house I slowly got out of the limo and so did the Host Club. I looked at the empty place with tears building up. The Ishimoto's residence, I haven't been here for a year.
Okay maybe not this update but I promise I will soon. So please vote, comment, and enjoy! Another one chapter for dramatic effect muahaha! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ I always update on Wednesdays and Sundays so look forward to it!

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