Haruhi Is A Girl?

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"Do you want to stay at my place tonight? It's not that far from the school." Haruhi suggested.

"Ah! Haru-chan that's not fair!" Honey whined.

"What's not fair Honey senpai?" Haruhi asked. Yes Honey distract him so he forgets.

"You tell us to leave, but you invite her?" Honey said with tears in his eyes.

"But Honey senpai I didn't get tricked into it." Haruhi said and his eyebrows started twitching.

"I'll have to decline your offer Haruhi." I smiled.

"You'll be the only one who hasn't came over." Haruhi sighed.

"HARUHI! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Tamaki yelled as he charges in.

"I'm not the one who got injured Tamaki senpai." Haruhi shivers as Tamaki embraces him.

"I don't know what I would do if my little girl would get hurt!" Tamaki cried. Wait. Girl?

"Girl?" I asked. The whole room went silent.

"Boss you're such an idiot!" Hikaru and Kaoru shouted in unison as they barge in. Right behind them is the devil, Kyoya.

"Ididn'tmeantosaythatitjustpoppedout!" Tamaki yelled quickly at the twins.

"Now that you know Haruhi is a girl, do you plan to tell the whole school?" Kyoya smiled wickedly at me as he adjusted his glasses again.

"N-No!" I shouted in defense. Then a sharp pain kicked in. I held my ankle and blinked back the tears. At least it isn't swollen anymore. I start to massage my ankle hoping it'll do something.

"Leave her alone Kyoya senpai, she's still injured." Haruhi defended me as I sobbed.

"Thank you Haruhi." Maybe that's why I feel so close to Haruhi, because she was a girl. I can't let her get to close though.

"Hey Haruhi?" I looked at her.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Instead of going to your house how about you come to mine? All of you can come." I smiled.

"That sounds like a great idea Aya-chan!" Honey giggled.

"But what about your ankle?" Haruhi asked worriedly.

"Like I said, don't worry about me. You still have my brothers to get to know!" I smiled everyone except Mori and Kyoya sighed and let there head drop in shame.
"Yeah your brothers." Tamaki muttered.

"Mamoru is absolutely my favorite." Haruhi said sarcastically. I tilt my head to the left.

"Did something happen while I left?" I asked. Believe me, cause if they talked about me... I don't know actually.

"Nothing important." Kyoya said writing something in that dumb notebook. What does he write in there?

"I don't trust you for multiple reasons Kyoya. I need to hear it from someone else." I glared at him but he probably didn't even notice.

"Nothing happened." Hikaru said.

"Don't worry." Kaoru added. I stood off the bed ignoring the pain that kicked in. Everyone gasped, so dramatic.

"I-I don't think you s-should be standing Ayaka." Haruhi said.

"I'll sit back down when you tell me what my brothers told you." I said walking to the door. "My offer stills stands, you guys can come over."

"She's a strong girl." Mori said as I walk out the door. This is the first time I ever heard words coming out of Mori's mouth. His voice us really low but cute in a way.

"I wished you talk more often Mori. It's nice." I look back at him and smile. I continued to walk out the school and in front the limo is already there.

"Wait Ayaka, we're coming with you!" Tamaki yelled as I entered the limo. I rolled down the window and looked at them.

"If the offer stands who could turn it down?" I said sarcastically. I opened the door for them and slid over.

"There's not much room so someone is gonna have to sit on someone's lap or take there own limo." I said as they squished themselves in.

"Haruhi sit on Daddy's lap." Tamaki blushed a little as he patted his lap.

"You wish Tamaki senpai." She sighed.

"I got a better idea!" A little lightbulb flashes above my head.

"What?" She asked.

"You can sit on my lap! That way it's less awkward for the both of us!" I smiled. Blood drained out of Haruhi as she turned pale.

"A-Are you okay, Ayaka?" Kaoru blushed.

"I'm just fine why?" I asked.

"Repeat what you just said slowly." Hikaru shook his head.

"I suggested, that Haruhi should sit- oh that's where you guys misunderstood." I sighed. I think I caught the sighing germ from Kyoya and Haruhi. "I didn't mean it like that! Fine since you guys are being really weird about it, Honey you can sit on Mori's lap."

"O~kay!" He gave me a thumbs up. He's so adorable. He sat in his lap but we were still squished. Haruhi sighed and sat on my lap.

"I have no choice and I don't want to sit on any of your laps. I feel like one of you is going to do something weird." She mumbled the last part. Tamaki started sobbing and we drove off.

Once we arrived my family was waiting outside. They're eyes widened as we got out the car. I got out with Mori's help. My mom ran towards me and embraced me.
"Honey! You have friends and they are devilishly handsome! Especially the one who helped you out, what a hunk." She whispered in my ear.

"Mom quit it, you're too old and already married!" I blushed. Why would she say something like that? How can she say something like that!? They aren't even my friends! I just got stuck in this lame host club I was forced into that I can't tell her.

She acted innocent and pointed to the boys. I followed the direction and saw them looking at me confused and suspicious.

"What she say Aya-chan?" Honey asked hugging Usa-chan.

"Yeah, and why-" Hikaru started.

"Is your face all red?" Kaoru finished.

"It's nothing don't worry about it, welcome to my house, I'll have my parents show you around while I change." I tried to charge into our cotton until I forgot about my ankle and was about to fall until someone caught me. Again.

"How many times are gonna trip over yourself?" Taro chuckled.

"We came to see why mom and dad rushed downstairs. It was because the Host Club is here~" Mamoru said as he walked up behind Taro. Everyone expect Mori and Kyoya shivered as they forced a smile on.

"Hey Mamoru. Taro!" Tamaki smiled.

"I'll take the princess up to her room. Mamoru you take of the guys." Taro said before caring me bridal style. Why do they love caring me so much?

"Alright." Mamoru smirked.

"T-Taro! Mamoru! You two are so awkward!" I yelled and Taro carried me to my room.

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