What's This?

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???'s P.O.V.

  Don't get too cocky Ayaka. Just because you've found people to love doesn't mean a stupid thing. I will get you for the pain you have caused me these last years. Do you really think you've won the war? No you've only won a battle.

"Hey you ready?" Can't spoil the name now. That'd be cheating. I laughed.

"As ready as I'll ever be~" I smiled. Surprise Ayaka, I'm coming for you.

"Her happily ever after is gonna have to end short." I smirked cracking my knuckles.

"Hey, you're not gonna kill her right? Just as promise?" He asked.

"I am not killing! You're insulting me." I pouted.

"Right, you're not gonna demolish her right?" He asked in a different way. I rolled my eyes it's still the same to me.

"If course I'm not going to dispose of her! Only the ones around her." I grinned watching all of them enter their limo one by one. Oh my~ so many toys! Which one should I play with first?

  Oh kids, didn't your parents ever tell you life isn't fair? Well now is one of those times. Hehe~ See you tonight! Pumpkin.

Ayaka's P.O.V.

  A chill ran down my spine and it's seems that Kyoya noticed.

"Hey are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I guess I'm just cold." That's probably what it is. It is night anyway, but... This chill feels as if it's a warning. What type of warning though?

"It doesn't seem like that's what it is, but if you're ready cold then here." Kyoya pulled out a blanket out of an emergency kit. I rest my head on Kyoya's shoulder. Whatever that warning was, I'm pretty sure it'll be okay if I brush it off. I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.
I had to cut it off short for special effect part one. Although everyone HATES cliffhangers, special effect part two was a no picture. Hope you enjoyed and see you guys on Wednesday! That's if I can remember before the end of Tuesday T~T

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