Mission: Tear Down That Wall

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Hi Taro.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I said turning towards them.

"Hey Ayaka, why do you treat them so differently from other guys?" Mamoru asked.

"How long were you standing there." I said crossing my arms.

"Before you broke that expensive vase." Taro said bluntly.

"So you don't need me to answer that obvious question." I glared at them. All the boys in the Host Club eyes widened surprised how I quickly change my actions.

"So this is what you meant by 'distant' Kyoya senpai?" Haruhi whispered. She needs a little work on it. I turned to Kyoya again as he gave a weak smile.

"You told them about your past?" Taro asked surprised. He heard Haruhi from the door so that's how you know she needs to work on it.

"Why would I ever tell these guys my past, did you see me tell any others guys?" I asked turning towards them. "You two were always there shaking your head in disappointment!"

"This is different. We're in a new place and a new school. The way you acted this morning surprised all of us so we thought you'd give up the 'toying hearts' act." Mamoru yelled.

"Tch." I rolled my eyes and turned back to Kyoya.

"Listen, we'll help you out. We won't tell mom and dad." Mamoru said taking a step forward.

"Plus, three is better than one." Taro said doing the same.

"No I'll do this on my own." I said keeping my eyes locked on Kyoya.

"Quit pushing us away! We're not going anywhere until you let us help you!" Mamoru said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I said. I'll do this on my own." I shook his hand off and turned around and stopped at the door. "If you want to help that bad, you could stop by the Host Club tomorrow."

"Ayaka, you can't have that attitude when you come in tomorrow." Tamaki called out.

"I know." I said as I slammed the door behind me. Why do I treat the Host Club differently? What a stupid question. Now I have to be a hostess.

I'd actually call it a win win. I could get the guys and pay my debt at the same time! I'm going to enjoy this a lot. I skipped to the limo tripping over dress and falling multiple times.

Haruhi's P.O.V.

Why is she so distant from her brothers? I can't compare myself with her since I don't have any siblings, but still.

"Why is she so distant from you two?" Tamaki asked.

"It's not just us, she's distant from everyone." Taro said looking at the door.

"She didn't look like she could be the distant type." I giggled.

"Haruhi, now's not the time to be joking around." Tamaki senpai smiled which caused me to laughed.

"Stop it you two." Kyoya senpai said closing is notebook and standing up pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"Would you care to tell us why she is so distant?" He asked them.

"Well we can't tell you everything, but we can tell you few things." Taro said looking at Mamoru as he nods.

"And what would that be?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in unison.

"A heartbreak. She locked herself in her room refusing to come out. We would leave food out her door, but each plate has never been touched and it continued for 6 months." Mamoru explained.

"How did you get her to come out of her shell?" Tamaki senpai asked worried.

"We couldn't. One day she just came out of her room with a smile. We were glad she finally came out, but there was this one thing that made us ignore her and despise her." Taro said looking down. His hands balled up into a fist. Mamoru put his hand on his shoulder as a signal to tell him to calm down.

"She said, 'Life is the worst thing you ever gave to me. I hate everyone in this world, even you guys. Everyone in this world is useless. They are all puppets that are waiting to be crushed by their puppeteer and I'll own of all of them'."

It got silent that you could hear a pin drop. A tear rolled down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. Honey senpai had a tight grip on his bunny Usa-chan. Mori senpai had his eyes closed. Kyoya senpai was looking down with the light reflecting off his glasses covering his eyes. Tamaki senpai's blonde hair covered his eyes. While Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other with pity.

I walked towards Tamaki senpai and put my hand on his shoulder which caught others attention. He looked at me surprised.

"So what's our mission?" I asked smiling.
Taro and Mamoru's eyes widened.

"What mission?" Taro asked.

"Mission: Tear down Ayaka's heartbroken wall is a go!" Tamaki smiled.

"Yeah!" Honey senpai and the twins said cheerfully.

"You're planning to break that stern wall? How?" Mamoru asked surprised.

"You said she treats us differently than any other guys right?" Kyoya smirked as he closes his eyes. "It was just a simple heartbreak after all."

"That's where you're wrong Kyoya Ootori." Mamoru said turning to the door as Taro opens it for both of them. Kyoya opened is eyes and glared at them.

"It wasn't a simple heartbreak, but that's all I'll tell you. She'll tell one of you everything. Whoever it is, just know you tore down the wall but also probably caused some major confusion or damage to her." He said as they walked out the door.

"Boss, how are we going to do this?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked.

"We're not going to hurt Aya-chan right?"
Honey senpai cried looking at Tamaki senpai.

"N-No, I hope not." He said.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"We should start off with being her friend, but I don't know if it'll be easy for you Kyoya. Since she already threw you over the wall." Tamaki frowned.

"Oh shut up Tamaki." Kyoya senpai said glaring at him. Tamaki senpai hid behind me as if I was his shield.

"We should turn this into a game-" Kaoru started.

"to make it more interesting." Hikaru finished as they put on a smirk.

"No." I glared at them.

"Why not?" They asked in unison.

"Because someone always get hurt during or after the game and Kyoya senpai always gets something out of it." I sighed.

"That is true isn't it?" Honey senpai said looking at Mori senpai. He nodded.

"No it isn't." Hikaru and Kaoru argued.

"Actually it is. Remember? The time at the water park, the beach, Karuizawa-"

"We didn't do anything at the water park!" Kaoru yelled.

"That was the boss's fault for tripping on banana peel and running into the statue!" Hikaru yelled.

"But wasn't you two who caused that? You tempted Tamaki by 1, shooting water at him, and 2 for setting a fake marriage with Haruhi." Kyoya explained. Tamaki senpai and I cringed.

"But what did you get out of it Kyo-chan?" Honey senpai asked. Well he wasn't there so it makes sense why he wants to know, but the answer.

"He got some.... valuable information out if it." I said trying to explain it the best I could.

"Now that I've made my point, no game."

Tamaki kept explaining how the mission should go, but the troubling questions are who would get to know her secret and is she really going to get hurt? I hope not.

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