"Definitely not your colour." Someone mumbled from the other side. You began to panic, Becca had been gone for a good ten minutes and if the footsteps hadn't been hers then you might be in trouble.

You concentrated until you heard a thud ad the sound of air being knocked out of someone. When you opened the door just a crack your eyes widened and you released Klaus who slumped to the floor.

"Sorry I thought you were some dangerous psychotic vampire... well a different one." You mumble before he could complain about being underestimated.

He handed you a short light blue dress which you reluctantly took while sliding the plastic bolt across the door. The dress was a nice fit but it was far too short in both directions, you jumped when his hands appeared on your back, zipping the dress up.

"If you choose this one we'll need something for your neck." He muttered, looking at you in the mirror as his thumb rubbed over your jugular.

"I don't like it." You muttered grumpily. He raised an eyebrow and span you round, placing a hand on your back.

"What's wrong with it?" You'd expected him to demand you wear it seeing as he picked it out so for a moment all you could do was gawk at him.

"It's too short look." You gathered the skirt and turned to prove to him that it was indeed to short, blushing when you realized what you were doing.

"Well I'll see what I can do." He held out his hand as if he expected you to strip out of the dress in front of him. You smirked, snapping your fingers as you muttered under your breath and after a moment his eyes fogged over, giving you time to slip out of the dress and into the one you'd worn coming in.

"Do that again and I'll make you pay." He muttered once you undid your spell and let him leave with the dress.

He returned a few minutes later, blood spattered on his collar, and the same dress but this time it was longer. After pushing him out of the room you slid into it and huffed.

"My god open the door, let me see what's wrong with it now." You could hear his eye roll as you let him in. Your phone binged and a text from Becca apologising for leaving you with her brother and not telling you, popped up, followed by a text promising it was something to do with Elijah and that Klaus would probably spend a small fortune on your perfect outfit so you shouldn't give into what he wanted.

"The colours wrong and the fabric is gross." You blush when he sighed and tossed the dress on your pile of rejects.

He led you out into the main part of the deserted shop and over to a rack of red and black dresses. After a few minutes of nodding and pretending to pay attention you wondered over to the sea of green fabric, his eyes never left you, as you flitted through the rack till you found the prefect dress.

"Um so... maybe something like this one?" You said as you turned over the price tag, wincing, before turning to look at him hopefully.

"You're looking at me as if I'm about to eat you, how much is the dress?" He asked as he lent on the counter behind him and waited for you to respond.

"You probably will eat me so it's you know, natural to look at you like that." You say quickly, flashing him a dazzling smile in hopes of distracting him.

"It's expensive enough for you to attempt to change the subject." His statement was met by an awkward nod. "Well I'll wait here and you can go put it on, the stores ours until we leave." He waved a hand dismissing you to the changing rooms and you were only too happy to oblige.

After fifteen minutes of waiting for you he strolled into the changing rooms only to find you staring disappointedly into the mirror, he gently placed his hands on your hips and rested his chin on our head.

"If it's the price of the dress I'm not planning on paying for it so you shouldn't worry." He mumbled. When your expression didn't change he sighed.

"Do you ever have moments when you feel like a chubby child playing at being a grown up?" You asked him as he turned you to face him.

"No but I'm almost perfect so I don't really ever doubt myself." His smiled faded when you didn't respond to his joke. He wasn't the best at comforting people, that was Elijah's job, however his skill with women made them feel like goddesses. At least while they held his attention so he lifted you slightly and held you to his chest before crushing his lips into yours.

His harsh movement was sure to cause bruises, but the oddly gentle touch of his hands and the pleased hum that emitted from the hybrid, when your arms found their place around his neck seemed to contrast with his volatile character.

"What the hell are you two doing?" You froze unsure if you wanted Rebekah to vanish so your kiss with Klaus could continue or if you wanted to pull away and apologise for having such little self-control.

"Kissing (Y/N) little sister, I've seen you perform the act with many men." Klaus's sarcasm seemed not to bother her as she held out her hand and twirled you in a circle.

"Well at least he found you a nice dress." She smiled happily before scowling at Klaus who quickly vanished from sight.

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