16 - (Y/N). Just. Calm Down.

Start from the beginning

Yeah, sure. -_- [Gosh, why am I so bitter XD? *mood switches faster than... I dunno... Lightning?*]

The first thing he noticed next was how your chest heaved up with your body as you took in a big deep breathe and held it in, as if thinking of something. Which is true, because you need the proper words for the paperwork.

But really, Allen?

You just had to stare at the boobs -_-

OK. Moving on.

Another loud exhale was heard. You ran your fingers through your (hair color) hair and scanned down the words you had recently produced, making an effort to retrieve the perfect match for the text that you had to submit the next day. Gosh, again with me repeating the same scenes with different words :P But anyways, yeah, once again you scavenged nothing from your brain.

You never had the passion for writing fancy shmancy stuff but you don't exactly have a choice. Your boss needs 'em tomorrow. If you were to disobey, your career is out to fall from the cliff of "an already crappy life" into the abyss of "my life is poop. I am useless".

A pair of arms snaking around your waist cut off your thoughts as you mentally rolled your eyes. "Not today Allen," you snarled, smacking his horny and pervy face away from your sweating neck. "Pfft. Whhaat?" the American played off and gulped nervously as he saw the deathly glare sent on his direction. "Ahem. Right, work. Want help?" he grinned nervously.

"How could you possibly help?"

Much to your surprise, he actually did help for three more pages at least... before he asked for a reward. O_O

A date to a Vegetarian Restaurant.

Nah. Kidding. I'll go and write you an absent note to your boss cuz it looks like you're not walking for a while .-.

James Williams [2P! Canada]

[Now, after spying amongst the comments—I mean NORMALLY scrolling through the comments, I have come to realize that most of you are annoyed cuz I call him James in this Scenarios book. But why you guys no like James, huh? James' a cool guy. Hahahah. Yeah, I'm not funny .-. The reason for this is because I find it confusing sometimes as his counterpart is Matthew Williams and 2P! here is referred to as Matthieu or Matt Williams. Like I don't know which MATCHU I'll be catching attention from when I call their names. It's just—Gahh. Just read.]

James—Gah PaYn **Fine.

Matt's purple hues surveyed the freezing cold woods through the frosty windows of his cabin, searching for your small adorable figure. Hahahaha bloop *taps your nose* WHAt. nO I'm NoT wEirD. PPshhh.


His eyes flicked to take a quick glance on the round (red) wall clock, noticing that you were coming home a little late than usual. With his eyebrows knitting together in worry, he sat grumpily on the velvet-bound couch and crossed his arms. Another one of those inner battles formed in his troubled mind. Where could you be at this hour?! Your night class finished 30 minutes ago. >_< I'd probably be sleeping at my room but yeah... (Y/N). Missing. Okay. That was off the topic.

What if someone kidnapped her?

Or that maybe she bumped into one of those twisted hunters lurking in the woods?

Nah. She can handle herself, Matt.

Calm down, you jerk. Don't be so soft.

As he paced around the wooden cottage, the soft muffled sound of footsteps padding against the wood averted his attention from his thoughts. As if by instinct, his feet led him to you for as fast as he could, tripping on a few things here and there. "Hsss. Gah! Fuck!" he snarled, rubbing his foot for he stubbed them on the coffee table[WAHAHAHHAHAHAH. Ahem]. His irritated purple eyes softened as he saw the stressed look on your face.

2p!Hetalia Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now