In one swift movement, he lifts his left leg, then his right, both fists collide with the bag with such fluidity, it's incredible to watch. His skin is shining and covered in sweat, his chest and stomach look slightly different than before, more defined. He simply looks.. larger. The metal chain attached to the ceiling looks as if it will snap from Hardin's aggression.  My mouth is dry and my thoughts are drowsy as I watch him and listen to his angry groans as he stops using his feet and only uses his fists against the bag. I don't know if it was the soft moan that fell from my lips at watching him, or if he simply noticed my presence, but he immediately stops his movements. The bag continues to sway on it's chain and Hardin uses one hand to stop it from moving.

I don't want to be the first to speak but he gives me no choice as he stares at me with wide and angry eyes.

"Hey," my voice is hoarse and tiny.

"Hi," he breathes, his chest rises and falls rapidly.

"What, uhm," I try to contain myself, "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I couldn't sleep." he breathes heavily, "what are you doing up?" He gathers his black t-shirt from the floor and wipes the moisture from his face. I gulp, I can't seem to find the strength to look away from his sweat soaked body.

"Uhm, same as you. I couldn't sleep,"

"How did you find me?" he pants.

"Process of elimination," I smile weakly and my eyes flicker to his toned torso, the muscles move along with his hard breaths.

He nods, his eyes don't meet mine and I can't help but ask,  "Did I do something? If I did, we could just talk about it and work it out."

"No, you didn't do anything,"

"Then tell me what's wrong, please Hardin. I need to know what's going on." I gather as much confidence as I can manage, "do you.. nevermind," the inch of confidence I had slips away under his stare.

"Do I what?" he sits down on a long black cushion, I believe it's some sort of weight bench, and wipes the t-shirt over his face again before he wraps it around his head, restraining his dampened mess of hair.

It's oddly endearing and very attractive, so much so that I find myself fumbling for words. "I'm just beginning to wonder if maybe you.. you are starting to not like me as much." The question sounded much better inside of my head. When said out loud, it sounds pathetic and needy.

"What?" he drops his hands onto his knees, "what are you talking about?"

"Are you still as attracted to me.. physically?" I pathetically question. I wouldn't feel so ashamed of the insecure question if he wouldn't have rejected me earlier tonight. That, and if Ms. Long legs and short dress wouldn't have been fawning over him right in front of me. Not to mention, the way his eyes lingered down her body..

"What.. where is this comong from?" His chest rises and falls, the sparrows inked just under his collarbones appear to be fluttering  along with the quick movements.

"Well," I take a few steps further into the room,  I'm sure to leave a few feet between Hardin and I, "earlier when we were kissing.. you stopped and you have barely touched me since and you went to bed,"

"You actually think that I'm not attracted to you anymore?" he opens his mouth to continue but closes it again before any words come out.

"It has crossed my mind," I admit. The padded flooring has suddenly become fascinating as I stare down at it.

"That is fucking insane," he starts. "look at me," my eyes meet his and he sighs deeply before continuing,  "I can't begin to fathom why you would ever consider that I'm not attracted to you Tessa." He seems to think over his response and adds  "well, I guess I can see why you would think that because of earlier but it's not true, that literally could not be further from the fucking truth."

After 3Where stories live. Discover now