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"Y/N can we get a dog?" Veronica asked.

"What kind of dog are we talking about here?" I asked.

Veronica has been asking me for the longest time to her a puppy and I'm honestly thinking about doing it. I think it would be kinda nice having a little dog running around the house, depending on what kind of dog it is.

"I was thinking we could get a chihuahua." Veronica said.

"Hell no, chihuahuas are definitely out of the question. Pick another one." I said.

"No I want a chihuahua and that's final." Veronica said.

"Babygirl I'm gonna buy you a dog it can be any dog you want, except a chihuahua." I said.

"Y/N my heart is set on a chihuahua." Veronica said.

Since Veronica's heart is set on a chihuahua I guess I have get it.

"I'll think about it." I said.

"Okay then I'm going think about if I want to give you some tonight. How about that?" Veronica asked.

Veronica got up and went into the kitchen to get a sock. When she came back into the living room she had a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with crushed up Oreos in it, chocolate syrup drizzled all over it, and she even put whip cream on it. Veronica's at that point in her pregnancy where here cravings are out of control so nothing she does surprises me anymore. Not only are the cravings getting worse the mood swings are too. One night we had pizza for dinner and I ate the last piece of cheesy bread, Veronica cried almost one hour about it. The lesson I learned that night is to never come in between a pregnant lady and her cheesy bread.

"You mad princess?" I asked.

"Yeah because I want a cute little chihuahua and you won't get it for me." Veronica said.

"Aww baby I'm sorry. I will get you a chihuahua just to make you happy." I said.

"For reals?" Veronica asked.

"Yes I'm gonna buy a little chihuahua." I said.

Veronica did her happy dance and kissed me on the cheek. I pulled up Veronica's shirt and started massaging her belly while she ate her ice cream. Her belly is really starting to grow now and from time to time Veronica feels the babies kick but I haven't felt it yet.

"Hey little ones. I hope you're having a wonderful day and that you are very happy. Mama's been eating good today so you guys have nothing to worry about. We've got about five more months until you guys get here and I'm really excited about it. I am going to give both of you everything you want. But most of all I'm gonna give you guys all the love you deserve. Mommy loves you." I said then I kissed Veronica's stomach twice.

"I like when you talk to the babies, it super cute." Veronica said.

"I love my babies, my little babies and my big baby." I said.

"I love you Y/N." Veronica said.

"I love you too princess." I said.

I took the bowl of ice cream and put it on the coffee table, I wrapped my arms and we started making out. One of the many perks of being with a pregnant woman is that you get to have sex on a regular basis. I'm trying to think of day when Veronica and I haven't had sex since she found out she was pregnant. It's gotten to the point where I just sleep naked because I never know when she's gonna pounce on me in the middle of the night. In the middle I our heated make out session someone rang the doorbell. I offered to get it but Veronica said that she would get it.

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