Chapter Fifty Seven

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A/N: 7k?! Damn, you people are amazing.<3


Felix sighed as they entered the store, Jack already knowing where to go. He went up to one of the cash registers that had a case full of tobacco products behind it and asked them for a specific brand, Marlboro Black. They asked for a form of I.D. to show he was old enough to purchase them, which of course he was, and he pulled out his wallet to pay and prove he was of age.

"Sorry if it took a while," Jack apologized softly and the pair left the local store, before Jack started taking off the plastic wrap on the pack of cigarettes, sticking one in his mouth, before realizing he didn't have a lighter. Luckily for him, there was a guy smoking nearby already. "Excuse me, could I borrow a lighter?"

"Sure thing, man," The guy dug into his pocket and pulled it out, handing it to Jack, who lit his cigarette.


"Anytime. My name's Sam, by the way," He introduced himself in a chill tone, sounding as though he was just coming down from a high.

"I'm Jack, that's my friend, Felix."

"Might as well smoke here, Mark'll have a fit if you do it at the house," Felix sighed.

"That Mark guy sounds uptight as fuck, bro," Sam chuckled, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"You don't even know," Felix groaned in response, laughing softly. "Craziest guy I've ever met - and we were locked in a mental facility for a week!"

"Damn, mate, you guys sound like you could use some kush," He suggested, but Jack shook his head immediately.

"Can't - Mark will literally kill us."

"More for me, man, but if you change your mind, no worries," The stranger kept the option open. Felix had smoked pot in the past, but never excessively.

"Thanks," Jack giggled a bit.

"So, how come you're not smoking?" Sam asked Felix, who shook his head.

"I don't."

"Oh... Jack, right?" Sam turned his attention away from Felix, who figured he'd rather talk to someone who smokes. Jack just nodded his head, not thinking much of it. "Cool hair."

"Thanks," Jack smiled, before Sam seemed to suddenly realize something, his eyes widening.

"Wait! I know you people! Goddamn, I literally just noticed," Sam started laughing. "You guys do those game things on YouTube! Jack-o'-Lantern and Pewdlepop, right?"

"Close enough," Felix sighed.

"You guys seem chill as fuck, I like that Halloween guy," Sam gestured to Jack, who started laughing.

"Okay, okay, Sam, sorry to tell ya, but it's JackSepticEye and PewDiePie," Jack told him and he seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Oh, yeah! That sounds about right," Sam laughed and watched Jack take another drag of his cigarette. "Tell me about that Mark guy - oh! He's one of you too, right? Markadoo?"

"Markiplier," Jack corrected him with a polite smile. "He's... I don't know how to tell you anything without getting him into trouble."

"Don't worry, man. I don't squeal."

"It's incredibly bad," Jack warned, but the guy just nodded.

"Yeah, I figured. I don't talk to cops, man."

"Well... Leaving out the bad shit, he's controlling and he won't let me leave, but I love- shit. Uh, you can't tell anyone anything about this," Jack stopped once he realized they hadn't announced themselves as together.

"No worries, I'm good with secrets."

"Okay, well... I might as well start from the beginning, considering Jackaboy here was pretty blind up until a couple weeks ago," Felix chuckled a bit. "Mark seemed to have been obsessed with Jack for what must be two years and one day, Jack says he wants to travel to either visit me or Mark, which he's practically cornered into coming here. Anyway, I guess I was being too friendly towards Jack and Mark started getting jealous - saying there was this agonizing ping in his stomach. He trapped me in his basement and beat me a couple times before I put a note in Jack's laptop, telling him where I was."

"Mark buried him alive and I found him. Felix decided to go to the police and they came over, surrounding the house, while Mark and I were still inside. He grabbed me, put a knife to my neck and took me to his bedroom - even though Felix was shouting at the cops that Mark wouldn't hurt me and that they should just run at him. I asked Mark why he was doing this and he said because he loved me. I decided we'd try it out and see if I really loved him back or if I felt forced and I slowly realized I did have feelings for him, but then he started murdering my ex boyfriends," Jack took over from Felix, as he was much more aware at that point.

"He killed Jack's ex, David, which was the first murder we know about... Then, Jack's other ex boyfriend, Eli, came over and was trying to get back with Jack, but he kept saying that he was happy with Mark. Eli got frustrated and hit Jack, later we found out it wasn't the first time, and I was pissed beyond anything and... took part in torturing and killing him with Mark. Then, we were admitted to the mental facility and Mark was going to kill this guy with multiple personalities, Chuck, for lunging at Jack and this other guy, Crank, who kissed him. He managed to kill Chuck, making it look like a suicide. He started calling Jack his pet and all this other bullshit he says he didn't mean. I told him I'd tell Jack everything if he did anything else to hurt either another person or Jack, until I decided I wanted to go home, but couldn't without Jack knowing everything," Felix concluded, sighing as there seemed to be no end to their story.

"I just don't know what to do," Jack sighed and smoked his cigarette again.

"Ignorance is bliss, my friend, and if you were happy with Mark before knowing all this, than maybe it's best to just ignore it," Sam suggested and Jack frowned.

"What if he keeps killing people?"

"Tell him to quit. This guy is some real serial killer shit, but it's an addiction to him. If the guy really loves you, than he'd quit his addiction for you. You just gotta tell him it's either a life of loneliness and murder or you," Sam explained. Felix thought that for some stoner guy, he had quite a bit of wisdom.

"Maybe... I just don't see how I can ignore everything he's done."

"You just gotta go with the flow, Jack. Try to replace the bad memories with the good you've had with him. Come to some sort of agreement," Sam pushed and Jack slowly nodded.

"Yeah... Maybe you're right. Thanks, Sam. You're a chill dude," Jack gave him a smile, which was returned.

"Thanks, man. Hey, anytime you need a lighter or some deep convos, you'll find me easy. Just look for the closest place to get food around here," He laughed and went to shake both of their hands. "It was good meeting the two of you."

"You too," Felix added, ending their conversation.

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