Bombay Mixx - Chapter Two - Part One

Start from the beginning

Amelia had been crying but tried to cover it up as she usually does with humour.

I was a little early for work in my determination to show Angus that his juvenile actions had not affected my professionalism so I decided I needed to stay for a few minutes and check Amelia was ok. ‘Babe, what’s wrong? And please don’t tell me nothing ‘cos your eyes are redder than a post box,’ I questioned caringly.

She paused for a second, as though not sure whether I had time to listen and continued, ‘I can’t tell you now but can you nip out for lunch today?’ Wow, it must be serious, if she wants to talk about it at lunch. Amelia never has time for lunch,I pondered as I continued to hug her.

I agreed and we made the lunch date and I left to face the uncertain anguish ahead.

Getting into the office was the easy part; dealing with Ann’s suspicious looks at my new, glam appearance was painless but seeing Angus already in the office, laughing and looking refreshed and as sexy as ever was a different story.

Until I saw who was giving him the reason to laugh.


It was his wife and children, looking like a scene from OK magazine.

The children ran around the office whilst Angus and his wife sweetly glanced at each other whilst they made small talk with one of the investors, who seemed to admire this couple’s ‘natural’ displays of regulated affection.

‘FUCK! Maybe they won’t see me at my desk. I can just go to the toilet and say I have the runs, that’s why I’ve been in there for two hours. Maybe I could get swine flu and have to go home immediately. Can you be infected with swine flu within 5 minutes? As I deliberated on that last thought, Ann came over.

‘Ok, so we have to make sure these figures go to Sales and Marketing before 10am but you need to make sure that they are in alphabetical order and make sure there are no spelling mistakes and all the information is correct,’ she ordered. ‘You also need to follow up this ad space request as the magazine has not confirmed if we will make the Friday issue or the overall price. We then have a meeting with Mr. Maguire at noon to discuss the new proposal for the summer agenda and then you need to go to a meeting with Marketing to see what they are proposing for next month for the new client we’ve just landed,’ she barked as she ticked the last demand off her clipboard list.

I swear she only walked around with this bright red clipboard to make her look extra important, even though she was really just a paper pusher just like me.

‘Oh no! Hold on, did she just say we were having a late lunch?’the thought quickly entered my already data overloaded brain. ‘Errm Ann, does that mean we will be having a late lunch? It’s just I made a lunch appointment,’ I asked nervously.

She turned and regarded me as though I said I was going to wee on her prized clipboard. I felt nervous but maintained eye contact. Isn’t that what they say to do when you see a dog? To show there is no fear so it doesn’t come over and bite you on the arse? However, I amend that theory when I am faced with a pitbull or some 14 year old chav’s cross breed fighting machine that they can barely control on their chained leashes; my theory then goes to, ‘RUN and jump somewhere very high before I see my leg in it’s jaw with my favourite pair of black strappies’.

‘If you are unable to prioritise your work above your social life, maybe you should look for another job Nita,’ she said in the clearest, icy tone. She then walked away, making me know she meant business; I dialled the phone to rearrange my lunch with Amelia.

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