"How far down do you think you're buried?" I asked, wanting an estimate to how long I'll be trying to get him out.

"Not too far, he needed quick access before you could find out about me," Felix replied and I nodded, though realizing he couldn't see that. I continued digging, wishing I had more muscle to get through this faster. I was desperate to see the condition my friend was in, not sure exactly what's happened to him in the time he's gone missing.

I finally hit something hard and dusted off the dirt, discovering the crate with the metal pole sticking out of it. I found a crowbar lying in the yard, which I assumed Mark was planning on using the next time he dug Felix up. I hoped Mark wasn't planning on killing him, the thought seemed too bizarre. The entire situation had me in stitches, being beyond anything I've even heard of. I wondered if he truly did all of this for me or himself. What did he exactly want?

"Come on," I breathed out after I popped the top and saw Felix's blue eyes looking back up at me. He had dirt in his hair and deep bags under his eyes - I knew if I were in his position, I'd never be able to sleep again. He was also covered in bruises and scratches, dry blood clinging to his pale skin. I offered a hand to him, which he accepted, and I helped him out of the crate. "Should we bury the box?"

"Yeah, but quick. Was he asleep?" Felix asked, I shrugged. He didn't seem satisfied with my answer, but gently closed the crate and handed me the shovel, pushing the dirt back with his own hands, making them dark brown.

"What do we do?" I asked as we piled the dirt back as quietly as we could, just hoping Mark didn't hear anything. "Call the cops?"

"As terrifying as this visit has been, I'm not sure I trust American cops. Maybe it's just the rest of the world talking, but they sure do have a reputation."

"Surely they can help though, it's the best we can do," I tried to push the idea back, but he seemed to be having no interest in calling any sort of authority.

"Jack, Mark is... He's dark. He's getting more and more horrifying by the day and with that, he's also becoming more confident, sadistic... evil. I don't know, Jack. I just think nothing will help. It's hopeless," Felix sighed, ignoring the dirt covering his hands and brushing through his hair as we finished piling the dirt back on and patted it down.

"It's just Mark, Felix. As much as I love him, even though he's our friend, he's just Mark. He's human, not some unstoppable being. There has to be something we can do, he can't just get away with whatever it is he did to you," I tried to assure him, but he just shook his head.

"He wasn't so bad at the start, until I left you that note. He said he gets this ping in his stomach whenever anyone just so much as looks at you. He said it's getting stronger and more unbearable. He wants you all to himself, Jack, and that's terrifying seeing what he's become," He explained, pausing for a moment. "He had me in his basement, handcuffed to a chair and a gag in my mouth. He'd hit me for just talking about you, but he wasn't that bad. He'd feed me, get me drinks, he even brought down a television for me to watch movies on, but he never trusted me, until I left that note. When he found out, he was so furious and beat me to a bloody pulp and was just absolutely terrifying, you should've heard all the shit he was saying-"

"What did he say?" I asked softly, needing to know. This entire situation revolved around me, I suppose, and yet I haven't been affected by anything. My life from the outside still seemed completely normal - only my friend suffering for trying to prevent it from changing.

"He was saying it was my fault you didn't like him, making him out to be a monster, claiming I was trying to steal you away from him, - Marzia just being a pawn in my 'game' - and that he couldn't trust anyone ever again, except you. He was just screaming endless stuff at me while beating me, before shoving me into that crate with some food and water, saying he'll dig me up eventually, so try and make the supplies last. It was just scary, I don't want him to ever do anything like this to you," He sighed and looked to the house, shaking a bit. "I don't want to hate Mark, I just think any relationship we had is trashed. I can't even go home yet."

"Why can't you? Marzia is worried sick," I informed him, seeing his eyes tear up at the mention of his girlfriend.

"I don't want her to worry, but I can't reach out just yet. You need help dealing with Mark and even if I did go home, he'd hear about it and probably do something about me to make sure I keep quiet - though I'm never going to speak up about this," He chuckled sadly and looked up, meeting my eyes. "I'm not going to leave you to this alone, Jack. I could never let you fight alone."

"I don't want to fight though, Felix. I just don't know what to do. I've thought it over and over again, and I loved the old Mark. If he was the same way he was, we really could've had something, but this change... it's terrifying and it'd be incredibly unhealthy and scary for me everyday," I rubbed my temples with my hands. "I want the old Mark back, this just isn't fair."

"It's really not," Felix agreed quietly.

"You know, he asked me what I thought about Darkiplier before we fell asleep," I said softly, the two of us sitting on the ground next to each other, looking up at the dark night sky, wishing to be anywhere but here.

"I think it's in him. Darkiplier... not the demon Dark that I've heard the fans used, just the insane side we all have. Mark's just broke free over something so ridiculous, but then again, I probably pushed him too far."

"Don't talk like that Felix. No one ever has a purpose for burying someone alive or keeping them captive in their basement," I shook my head, looking over to him to see he was already looking back. He gave me a soft smile.

"I'm glad you don't think it's my fault, but I just feel like it is. I know it probably would've happened to anyone who even talked to you, but we might've been able to hold this off for a while."

"At least I'm stuck in this with you. Sometimes you might not be the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but you're loyal," I giggled, him chuckling along with me.

"I'm loyal to friends who've never showed me a reason not to be," He smiled, suddenly frowning and smelling himself. "Ick, I need a shower. This dirt is nasty."

"I can hide you in my room," I offered, and he seemed to be thinking it over.

"I don't want to invade, but I also don't want Dark hurting you."

"Are we calling him Dark now?"

"Only if it seems fitting," He shrugged and we both stood up, heading quietly towards the house as I thought it over, thinking maybe Felix was right. Sometimes Mark was good ol' BumBum, who loved games and was just silly, and other times, he was Dark, who was literally crazy. But maybe Dark is who Mark truly is, we'll probably never know for sure.

Don't Ever Leave - SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now