Chapter 15.

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We were on the bumpy roads with the windows completly down and Something in the way by nirvana blaring though the speakers. I felt like I found something that made me feel like how i should've all my life. I felt happy. But then again it could've just been the pills distracting my mind becuase usually with everything that happend today, I would've heard blurry talk to me.

"Underneath the bridge, the tarp has sprung a leak". His voice matched just like kurt's. It sent shivers down my broke spine listening to him.

"And the animals I've trapped, have all become my pets. And im living off of grass and the drippings from my ceiling".

His face became tense. The lyrics not only understood me and the emotions I felt, but also for josh also. This was his pain song. My hand reacted before my mind, and I reached for his free one. The motion lightly made him jump and he was brought back down from the dark clouds. I squeezed lightly, watching him focus on not trying to blush.

"But it's okay to eat fish 'cause they don't have any feelings" I sang. He grazed his thumb over my limp knuckles, and a both sang the song all the way home.

My self health, desires, and actual being are becoming limitied and restricted by forces that I feel I can't control. Along with my tough realization of the traditional minded life I do not want to be accustomed to. But as long as I had Josh by my side. I had everything. And if it meant truly opening myself up and unleashing my darkest secrets to him, letting him see the chambers of my mind. Then so be it. I'll take the chances. Because this moment, this feeling is like none other. It's a feeling of being intoxicated by the highness of one's love.


"Yes ty?"

"I.. I love you to"

W: I've become depressed out of nowhere. Read this and play the song at the same time and you'll understand what I'm going through rn.

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