Chapter 24 - Runaway

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Sorry for the stupidly late upload but I've had exams all week and now I'm ill. Great. But it gives me time to wirte, which i know at least one person is loving. :P

Chapter 24 – Runaway


The talk with Brooklyn had really made me think about how badly I'd treated her since I'd known her and she was right, I'd only gone out with her for my own gains and now I'd lost her and my best friend because I failed to see anyone else in this world but me. Now I had three months to persuade her that I've changed before she goes off to Dalton and I never see her again. But firstly I had to get back on the same side as Dylan.

As I walked out of the common room and down the stairs I looked out id the window to see Brooklyn and Dylan standing in the path talking, I could see Brooklyn try and reach out to Dylan but he stepped backwards and then turned and walked away. She must have just told him about going to Dalton but he clearly hadn’t taken it very well. I thought I needed to use Dylan to get to Brooklyn but the way he was acting made me think that maybe he’s not all he cracked up to be.

I rushed down the second flight of stairs and out onto the deserted playground I wasn’t sure that I was doing or what I was going to say all I knew was that I had to talk to her. “Brook, Brooklyn!” she’d started to walk away so I had to shout after her, she turned around and I noticed the tears streaming down her face.

“What Samson?” Brooklyn shouted at me, I felt a shiver run down my spine as she looked back at me with that same look she gave me on the beach. I debated telling her that it didn’t matter but then I realised that would just wind her up even more.

“Are you ok?” it was a stupid question and I regretted it the moment the words fled from my mouth. She looked at me and I wanted to dig a hole, crawl in it and die.

“Do I look ok Samson? Do these tears scream ‘happy’ to you?” she was shouting at me and if it wasn’t for the fact that only the year 11’s had a free period I'm sure we would have attracted a crowd by now.

“No Brook I didn’t mean that it’s just I could think of anything else to say.” I stumbled on my words to try and explain myself before she began to hate me again. Her frown softened and she moved towards me a little.

“Well... I guess... that’s ok...” Brooklyn choked on her own words and moved towards me even more I don’t know why I did it and I don’t think I even had control over my own limbs at that point because my arms were now outstretched beckoning her in for a hug. She took my proposal and moved into me, I wrapped my arms around her and she burst into tears again.

We stood in silence for a few moments until I noticed a group of giggling girls appearing from over to small hill that ran through the middle of the school. I began to panic, worried about what they would say if they saw us together. I tried to get her attention but she was so upset that even thunder and lightning wouldn’t have made her lift her head to see what was going on. I noticed Hayley at the front of the crowd and as she was, as far as I was aware, the only one of Brooklyn’s friends who didn’t want to chop of my balls and feed them to the zoo lions she was my best bet.

“Hayley, Hayley! Over here.” I was shouting in her ear but Brook still didn’t move. Hayley came closer while the others kept a safe distance as if my ‘evil’ was infectious.

“What do you want Samson, to show off your new slut?” even Hayley seemed pissed off with me and I didn’t know why.

“I wouldn’t say that if I were you Hayley, it’s Brook, she’s really upset and I have to go, could you take her off me please?” it sounded like I was talking about a dog but I couldn’t think of a better way to put it.

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