Chapter 23 - The Opportunity Of A Life Time

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Sorry for the late uplosd but i've had a lot on my plate. I hope you liek it :)

J :) <3

Chapter 23 – the opportunity of a life time.

Exam week was fast approaching and although she would never admit it to her friends Brooklyn was nervous. At Berk everyone in year 11 gets allocated a study buddy, someone who’s in most of their classes and lived quite close to them. Brooklyn had been paired with Charlotte, a beautifully flawless blonde haired blue eyed girl who had often been compared to a Barbie doll and although Brook knew who she was she’d never really talked to her before. They had study lessons first and second and Brooklyn and Charlotte had arranged to go to the music rooms and practice for their final singing exam, as it was in less than four days.

The arts block at Berk high School dominated the landscape it was three floors and was the newest school building for miles around. The insides were amazing, the ground floor consisted of 10 sound proof music rooms, each equipped with a drum set, a keyboard and a guitar, and there was also a fully equipped recording studio and teaching room. The first floor was the art floor and so it had 12 art rooms and a fully stocked store cupboard. The second floor was the drama floor and although there were only two drama studios they had everything you could possibly need to put on an amazing performance.

Charlotte and Brook meet in the recording studio after tutor and began practicing; Brooklyn went first and was halfway through the second verse when there was a load knock on the door. Charlotte paused the track and went to open the door, even though they’d booked it over a week ago Brooklyn was still expecting to see someone else needing to come in and record a track but it wasn’t another student, it was Ms Granger the girls music teacher and a younger guy who neither of them recognised. He was tall, dark and handsome and charlotte instantly switched to flirt mode but Brooklyn was still cautious, she stepped out of the booth and walked to meet Charlotte in the door way.

“Girl’s I would like to introduce you to Mr Speed, he’s the talent scout From Dalton Performing Arts School and he’s here to observe your singing and if he thinks you’re good enough then he might offer you a place.” Ms Granger spoke to the girls but before charlotte could begin asking Mr Speed about his family’s history when it comes to noses he pushed past Ms Granger and began to talk to the girls himself.

“I'm just here to observe you girls, so carry on as normal and if I want to talk to you then I'll just raise my hand. Now is there a song that you perform as a duet so I can assess you together?”  The girls nodded in unison, and Brook lent over to the sound control to put on the girls best song.

It was just after the first chorus when Mr Speed raised his hand and Ms Granger stopped the track.

“Is there something wrong sir?” Brook and Charlotte both looked worried and so did Ms Granger.

“It was perfect, absolutely amazing, I'm not supposed to say this but I would like to offer you both a place at Dalton next year, if you want it?” both girls nodded and so Mr Speed continued. “I'll leave these brochures with you and you can talk to your families about it tonight, but I warn you girls, this is a big leap and you would have to move away from home but I'm sure that you’ll be able to take it.” Mr Speed bit farewell to this girls and Ms Granger and walked out of the door and down the corridor.

As soon as he was out of sight the girls jumped into each other’s arms and began screaming. Ms Granger had to shout before they stopped and actually listened. “Girls!” she shouted and they finally stood still. “This is a big deal, two girls from the same school accepted to Dalton in the same year. Do you recon you’ll both go?”

Neither girl had thought about what going to Dalton would entail until Ms Granger had spoken, leaving their families, moving to London, leaving all their friends, and dropping everything they’d planned to do for the next three years. “Of course we will, wont we Brook?” Charlotte spoke for them both but Brooklyn wasn’t so sure.

She stood thinking for a while and then picked up her bag. “I have to go.” She said and she walked past them both and scurried down the hallway.  


As she ran up the stairs Brooklyn began to sob as she realised everything she’d have to leave behind is she went to Dalton, she was half way when she finally broke down, she sunk to the floor and stayed there while she sobbed, it was another 5 minutes until somebody came out of the common room to notice her sitting in tear, but it wasn’t anyone who she wanted to see.

“Brooklyn, what up?” a deep voice came from above her. She looked up, saw who it was and began to sob again. “Look I know you hate me but I have an amazing pair of ears and I haven’t got a lesson now until after lunch.”

“He’s going to kill Me.” she cried without even lifting her head to look him in the eye.

“Who’s going to kill you, but more importantly, why?” Brooklyn looked up again and her red puffy eyes soon meet his deep brown eyes as he moved to sit down next to her on the stairs.

“I don’t really think I should be talking about this with you Samson, but I don’t think I can talk to anyone else who’ll give me an honest answer around here.” She sat up a little clutched her bag to her and began to talk. “I've just been offered a place at Dalton-”

“I'm sorry what is Dalton?” Samson interrupted.

“It’s a collage for the performing arts and it’s really hard to get into, but it’s in London which would mean I would have to move there and leave everything behind.” Brook continued, and she began to open up to Samson for the first time in a while.

“And so who would kill you for that? It’s your dream Brook, why would anyone want to kill you for that?” Samson moved a little closer to her on the step and as she was so upset Brooklyn didn’t notice.

“Dylan, that’s who,” Brooklyn sobbed and as if she was reading his mind she continued. “He’s going to kill me because it means leaving him behind and moving so far away.” Brooklyn couldn’t control her sobbing and she didn’t dare look at Samson to see his reaction.

“Brook he’s not going to kill you for that, and if he did then that just shows what a bad boyfriend he is. Besides this is your dream isn’t it? If he can’t be happy for you then you’re better off without him and you’ll meet loads of new guys.” For once Brook actually agreed with Samson but what could she do? She couldn’t hide the fact that she wanted to go but if she told him then it might start an argument and that would mean they wouldn’t go to prom together and then she wouldn’t be able to go to prom at all.

“I guess you’re right Samson, thanks but I have to go find Caitlin now and tell her.” She stood up, picked up her bag and began to walk down the stairs but she only took one step before she felt something grab her arm.

“Brook, I really am sorry for what I did, I was just trying to make you happy, I thought it’s what you wanted?” Brooklyn turned around and looked Samson up and down.

“Yeah it was but I didn’t want you to go out with me just to make me happy, I wanted you to want it as well but clearly you didn’t, clearly you just wanted to watch me get upset.” Brook wasn’t shouting at Samson because she really wasn’t in the mood but somehow the fact that she wasn’t made her more scary. Samson let go of her arm and Brooklyn hurried back down the stairs to find Caitlin.

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