Chapter 17 - A Normal Day, Or As Close As I Can Get

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Chapter 17 – A Normal Day, Or As Close As I Can Get.


The questions followed at school the next day, Caitlin was the first to come up to me after Dallas had dropped me off for the last time. “So who was that piece of hot stuff Brook?” she ran up to me and hugged me before I'd even stepped out of the road.

“Well that was my brother Cait, you’ve met him may times before and I wouldn’t exactly call him ‘hot stuff’” I said as she linked her arm with mine and almost dragged me into the school.

“No not Dallas, the guy with the Lambo’ last night.” Caitlin kept looking at me with anticipation in her eyes, I think she thought that I had become like her and moved on from Samson quicker than you could say his name.

“That was Rider, and no Cait don’t get any ideas he’s one of my brother’s mates and there’s nothing major going on.” I couldn’t lie to my best friend and tell her there was nothing going on but I just hoped she wouldn’t pick up on it.

“Wait,” Caitlin stopped mid step turned around and looked me straight in the eye. “What do you mean ‘nothing major’?” great, so she had caught on.

This was it I was going to have to tell her, but could I trust her not to tell anyone else. “Well, last night we were in town and well he kissed me-” and before I could even finish what I was going to say Caitlin had dragged me away from the rest of the group and was pestering me for details.

“He kissed you? What were you thinking; he’s your brother’s best mate.” I don’t really think Caitlin cared about that I think it was more the fact that I hadn’t introduced him to her and she thought that she deserved to meet every boy that I knew and date them before I did.

“Cait, I didn’t have choice he just grabbed me, it just happened, I didn’t want it to.” Why was I justifying myself to Caitlin I would have expected to have to do that to Dallas if he found out but not my best friend. But after all the arguments over the past week I didn’t exactly want to start another one, so I just let it go.

“If you say so Brook,” Cait still didn’t believe me and although I really wanted to say something I just had to bit my tongue and ignore it. We carried on talking for a while about different things until Laura, Rachel, Rain, Hanna and Dylan come around the corner and walk towards us. Although Hanna and I were still not talking it didn’t stop either of us hanging out with our group even if the way her and Dylan were did get on my nerves sometimes.

School was slow as always, so when the final bell rang and Rachel and I sprinted out of history I was ecstatic. We got to the gates and I noticed Dylan and Hanna standing talking to each other, I looked around and couldn’t see Dallas’ car anywhere and so decided to stand a few meters away from them and wait till they’d finished talking to talk to Dylan. I kept looking over to try and work out what they were talking about but as I could only see Hanna’s flirtatious body language and the back of Dylan’s head it was a bit hard. They must have been talking for a few more minutes until Dylan finally turned around and began to walk towards me, at first he didn’t notice me but after he did he smiled and came up to me to say hello. Dallas still wasn’t here and if it wasn’t for Dylan distracting me then I would probably have been very worried.

“Hey Brook, I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages.” He said as he hugged me and moved away, he was right we hadn’t had a conversation with just each other in over a week but that didn’t stop us talking as if we’d only just seen each other. “How are you?”

“Yeah I know, I'm good thanks you?” his smile disappeared and so I could tell that something was the matter but whether he would tell me or not I didn’t know and I wouldn’t push him for an answer because it was none of my business .

“Urm, I've been better,” I thought he would just change the topic of conversation and although I really wanted to know what Hanna and he were talking about it was totally his choice whether he told me or not. “Hanna and I just had a chat about prom.”

“What about it?” I asked, it slipped out before I could stop it but Dylan brought it up so he must have wanted to talk about it.

“Well, I don’t think you knew but we were going to go together, but now I just don’t really feel like going anymore and so I had to tell her, it was a bit awkward but I think she understood.”  Dylan’s body language didn’t really reflect his words which was odd because usually you could tell what he was thinking without him even opening his mouth.

“Wait, you’re not going to prom,” Dylan shook his head and so I carried on talking. “But you have to go; it’s prom for god sake, besides if you don’t go who am I supposed to dance with?” I gave a little forced chuckle but he could tell that I was genuinely disappointed about him not going.

“After everything that’s happened I just really don’t feel like going to what is basically a massive party with a lot of people I don’t know and don’t like.” Dylan was being serious I had to say something, even if it was his decision I had to give him my opinion on the matter.

“But I'll be there, Cait will and Rachel and Laura is that not enough?” I noticed Dallas’ car pull in and so had to say goodbye to Dylan but that conversation was far from over. “Dallas is here so I have to go, but mark my words, you will go to prom even if I have to drag you in your pyjamas.” We both chuckled as we hugged each other and I walked off towards Dallas’s car.

For the first day in a while I hadn’t had an argument with anyone and now the weekend was here I was ecstatic. On Saturday Dallas was coming with me and mum to have another dress fitting for prom, he’d seen photos and he was going to love it, I could tell.

So there were now just over two months until end of school prom night and I had almost everything, the dress, the ticket, the transport, but there was one thing I didn’t have, a date.

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