Chapter 10 - The End Of A Lie

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This is the first BRAND NEW chapter and I hope you enjoy, I will post the next one tomorrow and hopefully one a day after that, but I do have a lot of exams on at the moment. I still need a cover though if there are any offers?

Enjoy     J :) <3

Chapter 10 – The End Of A Lie

As Brooklyn walked home with tears still streaming down her face she text Samson: ‘mum’s out and really need cheering up. Fancy coming over?’ it wasn’t until she got out of the shower, back at home, that she received a reply saying that he would be over as soon as he could. She dried her hair and got changed out of her pyjamas. It was the first time that her and Samson would have been on their own in private and so she was determined to try and look amazing. She found a pair of denim shorts that just about covered her bum and a T-shirt that looked more like a crop top because she first had it when she was 10. She did her make-up and hair and then went down stairs. The cleaners had already been in and so the house was spotless, all Brooklyn had to do now was light a few candles, put on some music and wait.

It wasn’t long after she sat down that Brooklyn heard the door bell ring, “This is it,” she thought, “Anything could happen and I have to be prepared.” . She stood up, straightened out her clothes and walked towards the door. The door opened and there was Samson standing feet apart with his hands behind his back in his army uniform.

“Hey, sorry I've got to go straight to army cadets so I had to come in my uniform” Samson said as he looked Brooklyn up and down and decided he liked what he saw.

“That’s alright,” Brooklyn whispered in a flirtatious tone as she walked towards him. “I like it” she hooked her finger through the gap between two done up buttons and pulled Samson in through the doorway. Brook still had her finger in Samson’s top when they reached the top of the stair case and turned left towards her room.

“Where are we going Brook?” Samson stopped so suddenly that his shirt nearly ripped from the tug of Brooklyn’s finger.

“Where do you think we’re going?” Brook turned around and began to stroke Samson’s chest with her finger.

“Well, I'm guessing it’s to your bedroom but I don’t quite know why?” Samson still had a confused look on his face and for an academically clever person he lacked greatly in common scene.

“Why don’t you just trust that I will look after you?” she stroked her finger down his chest and fumbled until she found Sam’s hand, they walked along the hall way the little stretch until they came to a bright pink door covered in photo’s and posters with a sign that read “Brooklyn’s room, Enter at your own risk!”  She pushed the door and walked towards the bed, followed by a sheepish Samson. She sat down on the edge and pated the empty space next to her. “You can come and sit down you know, I won’t bite.”

“Urm, Ok.” Samson seemed a bit nervous but thought it rude not to go and sit down. He could tell where this was going, and although he thought he didn’t mind what was going to happen, he knew that if Dylan found out then there would be all hell to pay.

As soon as he’d sat down Samson was startled to see Brooklyn shuffling down the bed away from him. “You gonna follow then?” Brooklyn pated the empty space next to her again ad so for a second time Samson nervously followed her lead.

Once he was lying on his side next to Brooklyn she picked up her hand and began to stroke the full length of his body. She shuffled in towards him until their bodies were almost touching. Samson’s expression became more and more nervous but Brooklyn didn’t really notice she leaned in towards him and shut her eyes, but was surprised when she kept moving and yet never found Samson’s lips. She opened her eyes with a bang and noticed that Samson was no longer lying on his side next to her but was now stood arms folded next to her king sized bright pink bed looking down at her with hurt in his eyes. “I'm sorry Brooklyn, I can’t do this.” It was little more than a whisper that escaped from Samson’s mouth.

“What do you mean? Is it too early? Do you not want to? That’s ok, I can wait I just thought you’d want to.” Brooklyn couldn’t think what the problem was nobody had ever jumped out of her bed.

“It’s not you, believe me it’s not, I just can’t do this to you, it’s not fair.” Samson perched himself on the edge of Brook’s bed and she crept towards him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

“What’s wrong Sam?” Brooklyn sat up a little and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I need to tell you something, but you won’t like it-“Samson began before he was interrupted but a sudden weight lifting off his shoulder and Brooklyn’s voice.

“Oh god, please tell me you’re not gay?”

Samson jumped up as if an earthquake had just hit. “What? Oh god no. Why would you think that?”

“Well it was an honest question really so what did you want to say?” Brooklyn fell backwards and lay staring at her ceiling while waiting for Samson to spit out whatever he wanted to say.

“Well you might want to sit up for this, it’s pretty big.” Samson still wasn’t looking at her and so Brooklyn sat up again slowly while trying to go through everything it could be that he wanted to tell her. “On Friday, before I came to find you, I was going up to the common room when Hanna came to talk to me. She asked me how much I liked you and so I told her that I liked you as a friend but that I didn’t really see us being more than that.” Brooklyn had a completely confused look on her face and Samson still wasn’t looking at her. “Before I say anything though I want you to know that you friends did this because they want you to be happy-”

“Wait that’s exactly what Dylan said to me earlier before he told me... wait, no, oh my god.” Brooklyn jumped up from where she was sitting and began pacing up and down the end of her bed. Samson stood up to and went over to try and stop her; he stood in front of her and grabbed the top of her arms. As he began to study her face he could see that there were tears running down her cheek and something clicked inside of him.

“What do you mean ‘that’s what Dylan said’?” Samson began shaking Brooklyn’s arms and then he really understood what had happened. He let go of her arms turned around and walked away from Brooklyn. “He told you, didn’t he? He told you about the deal Hanna and I made, didn’t he? I'm going to kill him; he promised me that I had until the end of the week to tell you, he said he wouldn’t say a word to you until Monday-”

Samson just kept talking until finally Brooklyn butt in: “So everyone knew but me? Everyone knew that this was all just one massive joke? Everyone knew that you didn’t really like me and you were just going out with me for money?” Brooklyn was screaming through the tears and walking closer and closer to a cowering Samson.

“No, Brook, it wasn’t like that.” Samson tried to reach out to Brooklyn to calm her down but she shrugged him off and walked towards her bedroom door.

“I think you better go now Samson.” Brooklyn whimpered through the tears as she open her bedroom door. Samson looked at her with deep regret and moved slowly towards the door.

“Please Brook just listen to me.” Samson stood still in the doorway and waited for a response.

“Go.” She whispered, which to Samson seemed more frightening that if she had shouted at him.

Samson turned around and left Brooklyn’s room, he walked down the hallway, down the stairs and out her front door. Brooklyn shut her bedroom door behind him and fell back onto her bed and cried for a while until she cleared her eyes, got out her phone and text Dylan to apologise.

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