"What's this?" He asked unfolding it.

"Why do you talk so much? Just read the thing."

"Feisty." He said looking at the words. It read:

One whose power runs in his veins;

When others lose theirs, his still remains.

One who was born in the image of another;

Who has grown to love someone else as a mother.

One who is everything but what one can imagine;

Whose power is not seen, but comes from within.

Together the three must join to fulfill their destiny....combine their power to defeat a profound iniquity.

"Poetry?" Adrian looked up at her. "Lady, I hate poetry on a regular basis, so right now I despise it."

"It is not poetry." She said seriously. "This is a prophecy."

"Wow, well that makes much more sense. A prophecy of course how stupid could I be?"

"This is serious. You must keep this. Learn it. Study it, for this is your destiny."

"Can I ask you something?" He asked suddenly serious.

"Of course."

"What's the name of the bar you were at before coming here? Apparently they have the best liquor around."

"You are not taking this seriously."

"Ok listen to me, maybe if I wasn't so frustrated like I am now, I would've played along with you." He said. "Right now, I need to find my girl friend."

"Keep it. You will need it very soon."

He pushed the paper into his pocket. "If it'll make you happy. Goodnight." He said walking out of the shop.

Outside the coffee shop mirrored the inside, empty. Turns out Californians were prompt on their bedtimes. He was walking up the street to head home when he caught the scent he wanted to catch all day.

"Cate." He said taking a deep whiff of the air. Following the scent he found himself all the way to the next street and walking behind a figure that looked like a female. "Cate?" He called running behind her.

"Adrian?" She turned around smiling at him.

"Scarlet?" He was confused.

"Hey, what are you doing here at this hour?" She asked.

"I uh, went for coffee." He replied looking at her suspiciously and trying to smell her. "What about you?"

"Uh, I'm returning from a party."

"Was Cate at that party?"

"No, why?"

He grabbed her by her neck and shoved her against a wall. "Because you reek of her scent."

"Adrian," She coughed. "Y−you're hurting me. Adrian!"

"Where is she?" He asked squeezing her neck tighter.

She coughed and choked and her feet were dangling off the ground. "I don't−

"Don't lie to me!" He shouted at her. "Where is Cate?"

"P−put me down." Her face was turning blue. "Put me down and I'll tell you."

"If you lie to me Scarlet I will not think twice to kill you. I am not in the mood right now. I am tired and I am frustrated, so help me God think about what you're doing." He released her and she dropped onto the ground coughing and gasping for breath.

"Give me a minute."

"You don't have a minute. Get up and tell me where to find her. Now!"

"I thought you were a nice guy." She said standing up.

"Not when you mess with the people I love. Start talking."

"Just follow me. I'll take you to her." She said walking in the opposite direction of where she was coming from.

They were walking in silence for almost twenty minutes.

"How far is this place?" He asked.

"We're here." She said stopping in front of a huge metal gate and opening it with a key she took out of her pocket. She led him all the way straight into the room where Cate was tied up on the floor.

"Cate!" He began running to her but the woman stopped him.

"Leave him Dina." Scarlet said. He continued running.

"Cate, are you ok?" He asked trying to untie her hands. "Don't worry I'm here now ok. You're gonna be fine." He pulled a knife out of his shoe and began cutting the tight ropes. Her hands were free and he started on her feet. When he was done he removed the cloth that was gagging her mouth.

"My hands hurt." She said rubbing the sores from the tight ropes. "Thank you, so much. You saved my life."

He smiled. "Of course Catey, come on let's go."

"You know my name but, I don't know yours." She said looking at him. Instant shock slapped him in the face. "Who are you?" She asked. He swallowed hard and turned to look at Scarlet but she and the woman was gone.

Change of Heart 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora