Book 5⌇55. And So It Begins

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Chapter 55 ∣  And So, It Begins


Everything in my life had been so fast paced, constantly moving, running, fighting, just doing whatever it took to survive. That wasn't a life, it was a death sentence that I had somehow managed to avoid for all these years.

This one moment in time, standing with my hand clutched over my chest, my heart aching with such pain that was only reserved for the brokenhearted; seconds turned into years, matching the time I spent fighting for my life.

She'd always been so full of life, that deep need of only wanting to be loved ever crossed her mind. Once again, this was all my fault. I was to blame for getting her involved in the turmoil of my life.

If I truly did love her, I'd have let her go, the moment she was safe back on Earth.

I was selfish.

I wanted what I couldn't have.



I should have done what I'm good at, leaving a mess in my wake and run away. It would have been better for Eris, the hunters would have never known about her true involvement with me, leaving her behind and following me.

The wind blew our scent, the hunters and wolves turning in unison to stare at us with some type of content.

Hendrix's eyes weren't the soft ones that he only showed towards his pack...or Eris, no they had changed. He had changed. I was the target and Eris were the one who got in the way.

I fucked up.

I should have left Oregon when I knew Declan was calling the hunters to my location. Right then and there, I should have just left well enough alone. But I didn't. I let my anger get the best of me like it always it always does. None of this would have transpired if I had just run the moment, I discovered what he was doing. I should have left Willow alone, her and Declan appeared to be well known within the world, enough to have every sight set on me, my death the payment they all wanted. The blood they really wanted to see spilled—was mine, Eris was an extra prize.

Even though Declan wasn't the one to do it—I finally did feel it...I felt his pain and regret what I did to his mate.

Rainier stood beside Hendrix, his two chain sickles were coiled down at his sides, his eyes looking between Zak and me, distinguishing if Zak had brought me here as an easy kill for them, of it he was about to side with the rogue pureblood vampire.


Her blood filled the forest clearing, staining the green blades of grass with a thick crimson liquid, her body, still as the night sky.

Please...please, Eris. You can't leave me...not after everything we've been through. I was supposed to be your guardian, your sentinel that would protect you for the rest of our immortal lives. I was supposed to cherish and shower you with the love you deserved...more than anyone.

The wind blew her familiar scent, breathing in the lingering smell of rosemary only cut me deeper when I saw the blood moving away from her body, forking out in small pathways away from her chest.

This pain overload the last connection to the emotions that Eris had set free, the want and need to kill, was pushed aside. It was a vicious cycle...and all killing ever did, was bring more conflict and now, the death of my beloved.

The tears continued to stream down from the corners of my eyes, Zak taking a step forward into the clearing when one of the shifted wolves snarled at the two of us.

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