Book 5⌇26. Unleashed

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Chapter 26 ∣  Unleashed


"You—what?" Eris' piercing electric blue eyes were suddenly wide, unsure if she had heard me correctly.

Lifting my head from my arm, I nodded and stated once again, "I love you."

Eris' eyes scanned me, shifting uneasily until she finally whispered, "You can't."

Ouch, okay...not exactly the answer I was expecting.

"Why can't I?" My eyebrows rose as she pushed herself up, so she was leaning sideways.

"There is no such thing as love when it comes to lusting after a sex demon. It can't work..." her voice was filled with sadness, a stray tear finding its way down the side of her right cheek. "Besides," she brushed the tear away, her eyes locking with mine, "Your real love is out there somewhere, just waiting for you to find her."

"That's bullshit," I growled at her. She looked away from me, her tail spiraling and then winding tightly around her left leg. "That's bullshit, and you know it."

"It's not!" She narrowed her eyes at me, her two sets of sharp teeth bared at me. "The moment you find her, I'm through and it already tears me up thinking about it. It will kill me inside the longer this carries on."

"As you can see...I'm a fucking rogue, the chance of me actually finding that individual, is highly unlikely at this point," I replied darkly.

Eris moved her legs off the bed, standing quietly as she began moving around the foot of the bed. She made her way around to my side before she exhaled slowly, placing a hand on her forehead. Any demonic trace that had once revealed itself, vanished. Her emerald eyes were glassy as the tears continued to build, ready to full on break lose.

Her small scream trailed off when I reached my arms out, grabbing her around the waist and flipping her onto her back on the bed. Her chest rose and fell steadily, my legs on either side of her hips. Her hands reached up, attempting to throw me off her, but I didn't budge. Instead, I took each of her wrists into my hands, pinning them down on the bed beside her head.

"Did what we just do, have absolutely no meaning to you?!" My muscles tensed, anger filling every fiber of my being as Eris remained silent.

What the serious fuck?!

Tears quickly fell down her cheeks, sliding back and hitting the bed covers.

"Answer me!" I hissed, my fangs elongating as I could feel the shift in my eyes.

She cried out, "It meant EVERYTHING to me!"

"Then why are you acting this way?" My grip on her wrists tightened, her body arching to get away from me while she shook her head from side to side.

"I don't want to get hurt!" She glared at me, trying to move her arms, but they were locked into place. She truly had no power in her human form and whatever she could have done to someone with a soul, had no effect on me. Maybe I was slightly angry because I wanted to be seduced by her, but I couldn't. "I don't want to hurt you..."

"How would you hurt me?" My grip slightly loosened, narrowing my eyes at her.

"How are you going to give me energy?" I had to admit; her question took me off guard. "If I can't take it from you, then I have to seek it elsewhere—that means being sexual and intimate with other people. Regardless if I mean it or not, whatever the fuck just happened, permanently opened the link to my demonic side."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Now I was just confused, yes, I understood that I couldn't give her energy...and I mean, if she took it from another woman, I guess I wouldn't mind. But what the hell is she talking about?

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