Book 5⌇39. Descent to Hell

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Chapter 39 ∣  Descent to Hell


I'm going to come back from the dead and fucking kill you Rook...

With my options limited, I really didn't have a choice in the matter anymore. Searching and finding Eris was the only way I'd ever be able to get back to Earth. I didn't know when I sought out his help, he would literally send me to was a figure of speech...

When the dagger pierced through my chest, slicing through my heart in a single motion, it felt like everything had caught on fire. Pain erupted in my chest, not only had the warmth left me once Lucette had been given my blood magic but as my heart rate slowed, the blood pulsating in my veins came to a sudden halt.

Yes, the only way to kill a pureblood was to decapitate them, that's why Rook could use his dark magic to keep the dagger in my heart, forcing my body in this suspended animation. Though my body was put in a death-like state, I was aware of all the feeling around me, including the sudden drop to hard ground.

I pushed up onto my knees, my hands feeling the warm ground, a slight heat radiating from it. My eyes drifting up, gazing around me to see a city not that much different than any you would find on Earth, save for the burnt orange sky that obstructed life. Standing to my feet, I was shaking, catching my balance and finding my footing as I noticed a couple of women walking past me and what appeared to be an undistinguished creature being led on a leash.


The one who didn't carry the thick leather leash in her hand, stopped, turning her attention on me. Her long black hair almost reminded me of Eris in appearance, though instead of those enchanting emerald eyes, this woman reflected a rich brown, her quite skimpy clothes clinging to her body my threads.

What I did notice, is both wore this type of leather or black latex type of swimsuit bottom...yea, that's the best way to describe it...with a quarter size hole cut right where their tailbones ended. The midriff tops they wore had to be of the same material, but the one who was staring at me intently, the color she wore was hot pink and ebony. Her friend, however, adorned a sea green and onyx top, her dark hair cut short with deep, dark blue eyes.

I saw something shine in the depths of those brown eyes, something Eris had shown, just before she had released her inner demon and became a complete sex fiend.

Of course...they're succubi.

There was a very dark predatory growl that emitted from the back of her throat, her knee-high boot heels stomping against the ground as she closed the distance between us. What I had been completely unaware of, was the area in which I had been dropped into, taking just two steps back and my back colliding with a hard wall.

She was in front of me, her nose passing over my bare chest as she inhaled my scent, breathing in deeply. She closed her eyes, savoring whatever she found so tempting and in the next moment, her eyes snapped open, only to reveal electric blue orbs which mirrored Eris'.

"I want to keep it," she purred, her eyes roaming my body and then searching my face, but her comment was directed to her companion.

Her companion pulled the creature closer to her and stepped to the side, looking me over once and stating, "It looks like a strong human and a very attractive one at that. It'll make a good pet we can slowly devour and kill over time."

The fuck...

If I truly were human, I knew damn well that by having any relations with sex demons, they'd slowly kill you over time if they didn't take your soul. They would steal years of your life when you had sex with them, draining you slowly and blissfully until you were left with nothing, but a few days left to live.

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