Book 5⌇3. You're a What?

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Chapter 3 ∣  You're a What?


I think he was just as startled as I was because after I had unfrozen from that moment of realization, I forcefully knocked him off me. I have no idea how in the world I overpowered a pureblood, but I wasn't about to stop and ask him, flying to the door and exiting the room. I thought my heart was beating fast before, this was a whole new level of fear, my heart pounding into my head, my vision hazing over slightly.


My coworker, Salana, walked down the hall towards me, her long blonde hair wrapping around her body as she tilted her head to the side. She regarded me with curiosity, her eyes narrowing at my startled form caused her worry.

"Did someone do something to you?" Salana asked, her voice raising at the end of the sentence.

"I-I-I can't," I breathed out, looking around. Brice was nowhere in sight, "Salana, I have to leave."

"Do you want me to finish your "private" session?" She offered cheerfully.

"Hell no! Don't you fucking go into that room," I wasn't about to offer up another in my place. I didn't know a whole lot about purebloods. The only two things I really knew about them were, they were coven leaders, and that their bite would kill or turn a normal human. I had no clue what it could possibly do to me, so, I ran.

"Eris! What about Brice?!" Salana called after me, her voice becoming lost in the beat of the music pulsating through the strip club.

I just turned around and quickly yelled, "Please...cover for me!"

I wasn't exactly sure how she was going to go about doing that unless she went into the room with him, but she knew better than to take a client from me. She had tried in the past and, let's just say, she learned very quickly I wasn't someone you wanted cross.


I was already at the door when it suddenly hit me that I had left my clothes down below in the basement. Any chances of me running back for my street clothes were immediately pushed away from my mind as I felt his powerful presence once again. My eyes glanced over to one of the booths, a man's large jacket was folded neatly over the back of the plush backing.

Great, now I'm going to have to steal as well, and this owner will more than likely come after Brice. Well, with my life potentially on the line, I decided to take my chances and now label myself as a thief.

I threw the jacket around me, slipping my arms into the sleeves as I began to jog carefully out onto the street.

Oh, this is ridiculous! I stopped for a moment and unsnapped my heel straps, tearing them off and holding onto them tightly as I took off barefoot. My feet pounded against the pavement, heading in the direction of my apartment, I couldn't feel his energy as strong anymore. Maybe he had just gone back to his it appeared, I wasn't the only one who had made a mistake tonight.

I placed my hand on the door to the stairs leading up to my apartment, climbing them two at a time until I finally reached my unit. I fiddled with my keys briefly before finding the one out of the three that unlocked my door. Bursting through the doorway and slamming it shut, locking it and leaning my back against it. I dropped my heels down beside me, the sound muffled by the dark carpet that I sat on.

I breathed in heavily, attempting to steady my erratic heart from beating out of my chest, I slid down the door, resting my elbows against my bent knees.

This is what I feared would happen eventually...I would be caught by a stronger predator. I couldn't phase out of this world, returning to the "safety" of the Dominion Plain. I was stuck in corporeal form, stranded to fend for myself and potentially my life.

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