Book 5⌇17. I'll Find You

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Chapter 17 ∣  I'll Find You


I felt like shit for looking into her past when she clearly stated that she didn't want to tell me. Knowing Eris for the short amount of time that I did, I wanted to give her some space to calm down so that when I did speak with her, she wouldn't want to drive a stake through my heart or chop my head off.

I know she doesn't want anyone, including myself to pity her...but I don't think she's ever fully healed from the actions of Kalyn and Keegan. She's never spoken to anyone about it and just bottles up the pain inside...until it exploded when I found out on my own. I'd gladly be the ear to listen to all her pain and sadness, wanting to help her as best as I could.

It hurt me...that she hurt.

It shouldn't. But it did.

I'd never felt even the slightest concern for anyone else well-being, except for my own.

Not until I met Eris. She's not like anyone I've ever met before. Though she portrays the strong, sexy, defiant, persona of someone who's never been hurt, in reality...I'd never seen anyone else so fragile and broken.

Maybe she isn't my true love by blood...but I wouldn't mind getting to know her to see if what we have, might be more than just a one-time fling.

Heh, I have so much sympathy for the one who is destined to be with me.

No. I can't do that. I won't bring her into my chaos of life. She deserves more than that. Running with me would put her on radar that she so desperately tries to hide from. I can't change who I am or what I've done...but maybe I could find a new future in Eris. It's a long shot, but I just might have a chance.

It was about 11:00 PM and the Dv8 Strip Club would be in full swing by now, Eris taking center stage and seducing another bunch of naive humans. I really wanted to see my little vixen, just to see how she's doing...

Please don't be too pissed off at me...

Thoughts of pleasuring her only had my mind wandering into places it shouldn't. I knew it could be a very long time before Eris truly trusted in me enough to fully submit to me...if that's what she decided to do.

If she forgave me.

After gaining access to her place of work, the emphatic music was seriously going to cause me to go deaf with how loud they played it. I mean come on...guy with sensitive hearing that wants to participate.

That's odd.

I couldn't smell her.

Just as I was about to take a seat and wait for her performance, I decided against it and attempted to find her boss. Luckily, it wasn't too hard to track him down, noticing he was leaning against the bar, talking a little too loudly to one of Eris' co-workers. It appeared that he was very angry, and this human was bearing the brunt of his wrath.

"Where. Is. She?! better not be covering for her ass again!" Brice yelled at the stripper as she cowered away in fear, timidly shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Covering for her?

"Excuse me," I started, drawing Brice's and the stripper's attention.

When Brice saw me, he immediately smiled as I had paid quite a bit to get her off for the night. Luckily, I had grown up with parents who were well off.

No, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Ha-ha...silver...but, they had taken care of mostly everything for me when I was younger.

"Where is Eris?" I asked politely, the stripper beside him giving me a sideways glance before hurriedly taking off. It must have relieved her that now she wasn't under the scrutinizing eyes of Brice.

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