Book 5⌇48. Stop Running

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Chapter 48 ∣  Stop Running


The sound of glasses and plates shattering, brought my vision back to lock onto Eris, the sheer force of power from her wings was something I hadn't expected. Debris from kitchen items broke around my feet, pieces flying in all directions when my back collided with the wall, knocking into shelves and cupboards.

I growled lowly, lifting myself from the indent my body had created, not sure whether to be angry or enthralled at how strong she was. Her demonic side was truly awe-worthy, entrancing me with those electric blue eyes, the faint hint of electricity radiating off her skin. Speaking of which, the stripper outfit was a nice added touch, those thighs of hers tensing when she thought I would make another attempt to attack her.

Stretching my neck from side to side, I smirked, my trench coat creating a shadow around my form. "Alright love, show me how you feel as I'm not listening anymore." I could feel the dried blood on my lower face and lips, my fangs elongating when the spark between us only begged me to stop this.

The only problem...I wasn't thinking rationally. I didn't want to listen. I just wanted to feel my fangs buried deep in her throat, the smell of her blood coursing through her veins only tantalized my senses, driving me mad. The beat of her heart continued to race, knowing this was the first time she was seeing the real me, the me that had attempted to kill my father when I was just a child, the me that was exiled, banished from not just my coven, but the entirety of the vampire world...the me that was being torn up inside at wanting to end the life of my beloved, but at the same time, wanting to make her completely mine.

Reasoning was fading in and out, battling for control over my anger, the anger I never had a problem giving into in the past, pushing me forward to become stronger.

Let's see how strong you truly are.

"With pleasure," Eris' tail flicked side to side in anger, her wings angling back as she dashed unexpectedly down the hallway to meet me head-on. Her vivid eyes pleaded with me, but not backing down. The once scared, broken, and powerless succubus I had watched with curiosity as she twirled around on that silver pole in the Dv8 Strip Club, no longer hesitated, delving further into her demonic nature.

When her body sailed at mine, my stance changed, waiting to catch her and throw her off balance. The thing was, I'd never seen her so melded with this darker side, pulling her wings back like a parachute when she was about to punch me. She brought both of her palms quickly up and struck the center of my chest with not much force, but the sudden electricity that passed through her palms and into my chest cavity propelled me backward.

Half the wall of the kitchen broke like it was paper, my body knocked past the backyard that guarded the house, soaring into the trees of the forest's edge. Vulnerable on my back, I rolled up onto my feet, crouching down, my right palm resting against the dewy grass, my left arm resting against my knee. It was still, calm, the very light breeze just rustled the leaves enough for me to know, I wasn't supposed to be here.

The contact with Eris' palms had thrown me farther than she should have been able to. I could see I was half a mile from the house I had torn apart, the last action of Eris, making the home look like it had gone through a war and barely survived. My eyes securely watched the outline of her body, moving through the opening she had created and storming toward me.

Remarkably, her display of force and power was damn sexy. Standing up to me, was not something to be taken lightly. Even the bravest of hunters couldn't mask their fear, but here she was, my little vixen walking right into the lion's den, ready to exert her dominance and claim her position. She skated across the ground, the blades of grass lingering beneath her dark boots, her wings beating the air gently.

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