Book 5⌇4. Stop Following Me!

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Chapter 4 ∣  Stop Following Me!


Considering I slept all night and worked for like what...two hours? I was fully awake for the day, the sun warming my skin as I stared out of the window.


Yea, he's trouble.

After discarding my dancing outfit and the jacket that I had stolen—I mean borrowed—from one of the clients at the strip club, I threw on a pair of dark denim jeans, a white and blue V-neck shirt, and a pair of low-heeled black boots. I could just pick my other clothes up tonight after my shift...if I was still residing in this city after last night.

I didn't have anywhere I could run to?

Where would I go?

He already had my scent, so what was the point in trying to run? And what the hell did he mean by I'm different, just like him? He's a rogue and kills for fun and am I just like him? I go out of my way to not take a soul...just barely getting by. This ass-hat had me so confused, I wasn't sure exactly what he wanted with me.

Walking into the bathroom, I pulled out a hair tie from the drawer and flipped the light switch. The light came on.

Figures it was him. I wasn't even sure of myself anymore and what this pureblood had the power to do.

Fuck it.

Hastily fastening my long black hair into a ponytail, clicking the light off and half jogging to my apartment door, I breathed in deeply. For so many years, I was able to evade and keep myself off the radar, and now I was the single target on his screen.

Reaching for the door handle, I pulled my hand back, the sound of my iPhone vibrating on the kitchen counter drew my attention away. Snatching the device quickly and throwing open the door, my eyes fixated on the now unlocked screen. I closed the door silently behind me, a text message flashing in the upper left corner.

'If you don't show up for work tonight, I'll consider it your resignation.'

Panic filled me. I had no idea what to do.

'Brice, please.'

'Eris, I can't keep doing this. Get your ass to work tonight or you're fired.'


I gripped the phone tightly, raising it in my hand, but caught myself before I unleashed my fury and let the phone smash into the wall. Instead, I stuffed the phone into my back pocket and rubbed my forehead with irritation.

I have what, about twelve hours to sort out what I'm going to do? I had saved up and I could easily leave town, but there was no work lined up for me and no place for me to stay. Yea, getting a job would be the easy part, but if there were no places renting, I would be stuck on the streets. I could persuade someone or stay in a hotel...damn it!!! Everything was working just fine before he showed up!

"Eris?" Mrs. Carter, my next-door neighbor had emerged from her apartment, a concerned look on her tired face. "I heard something briefly, are you okay?"

"Yea," I responded, pushing away from my door and heading down the stairs, "I tripped in the dark, I thought I saw the bogeyman."

Mrs. Carter chuckled, "Well, good thing he's only a fairytale."

Too bad vampires weren't.

Too bad I wasn't.

I blinked my eyes, the sunshine blinding me as the door to the apartment complex shut behind me. My energy was spent, it had been now twenty-four hours since I had fed off the energy of a human. Just as one passed by me, it took every ounce of control I had to keep myself from letting the monster inside of me take over, restraining my eyes from shifting. The sweet old lady waved at me, a kind gesture, as she continued walking her poodle down the street.

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