Book 5⌇30. In All Honesty

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Chapter 30 ∣  In All Honesty


"Eris, please," Maverick stood in front of me, his eyes lingering on my form, "Tell me what's wrong. Why did you scream? You couldn't have been that afraid of the dark. I was gone for just a moment."

A moment was all it took.

I can't hide this from him anymore. I won't give that thing the chance to take me off guard again. I'm not stupid and I know when I need help and right now, Maverick was one of the strongest, if not thee strongest, immortal that walked this earth.

"Maverick," I looked him dead in the eyes, "There is an incubus that has attached itself to me."

He was quiet, but I could see his jaw clench when I said the word, incubus. "I knew there was something going on. Why would you hide that from me?"

"I didn't want to get you involved...not when I thought I could handle it on my own. Obviously, I can't," I lowered my eyes from him, staring at the glowing orbs of light he held in his hand. I'm strong, but I was at a disadvantage. I couldn't faze from this world and evade this incubus as he could do to me and I couldn't cloak my energy as he could.

"How do you know you couldn't handle it?" He asked, his eyes looking me over for any sign of harm. There wouldn't have been any. The incubus was trying to scare me, showing me the power, it had to appear at will and it would still if given the opportunity with Maverick close by.

Who knew exactly how bold this one incubus was?

I wasn't about to test it.

"When it decided to wrap its slimy arms around me," Maverick flinched, his muscles tensing as I continued, "It made me think it was you...I didn't know any better."

Maverick chose his words carefully, "Do you"

"I don't know to be honest. I haven't seen his face...possibly..." I felt weak and powerless against it. If I had my complete soul, this wouldn't be an issue, but now I was forced to be on the defensive. I had no idea when it might try to come after me again and if it wanted to continue playing whatever game it was playing with me.

Fuck it, I'm nobodies' toy...I killed a prince.

"Don't leave my side," Maverick stated, reaching out with his left hand and touching the back of my right one. He opened it so the palm was facing up as he gently placed the magenta orb of light into it. I wasn't expecting it to feel so jelly or squishy, but it reminded me of silicon. The light was beautiful, iridescent flecks swirling around in the liquid and shimmering against my skin.

"Gee, I wish I thought of that," I rolled my eyes, knowing he already felt horrible for leaving me when I told him not to.

The air left my lungs when Maverick unexpectedly encircled his arms around me, pulling me close to him. My heartbeat was steady, my own arms finding their way around his waist holding him close to me as I buried my face against his chest. Breathing in deeply, his energy aura calmed me, a protective wave radiating from him, uncloaking his true pureblood self.

"If anyone tries to harm you," Maverick's voice was dangerous, "I'll kill them."

I believe you would.

A thought suddenly struck me, and I pouted, "You never did tell me your secret."

"It's a good thing I didn't," Maverick responded, not sounding sorry in the least that he was still hiding something from me.

I didn't quite understand why it was a good thing...maybe it was better to keep his secret since the incubus was attached to me and he didn't want it to know. I wonder what it could possibly be, that he wouldn't risk others knowing about it. Although, it did make me smile, knowing he would have trusted me with it.

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