Book 5⌇28. Drop The Subject

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Chapter 28 ∣  Drop The Subject



The fuck he is waking me up for...

"Wake up, please—Eris!"

Shh...the baby's sleeping.

"Fucking hell!" My eyes snapped open at the sudden piercing pain that radiated from my cheek. The sting lingered as a dull throb began to radiate from the point of contact.

Oh, hell no, he didn't just fucking smack me.

I met a very concerned, yet vividly angry Maverick staring down at me. It appears he had seen a ghost; his face was slightly paler than normal and his eyes searching me for any sign of harm.

Well...isn't this just a wonderful way to wake someone up. I could think of better ways...

Why is he staring at me like that? I was having one of the best dreams I've had in a very long time. Does he not know, not to wake a sleeping demon? Apparently not...

"What the serious fuck was that for?" I growled in irritation, sitting up and holding my left cheek, pain searing through it. Did he really have to hit me that hard?

Maverick narrowed his eyes, "Are you...okay?"

"Besides being hit. No, I'm fine. Thanks," I grumbled, pushing Maverick off me and stepping off the bed. Feeling the electricity spark off my skin and then dissipate, my demonic features reverted, disappearing in a split second. What the hell was his problem?

Maverick bit back a remark, his eyes following me as I made my way to the closet, stopping in front of the sliding door before I asked, "What do you want to say? I can see your itching to saying something."

"There was...something hovering above you when I came into your room," Maverick was choosing his words carefully and I wasn't sure I felt too good about it. I turned around, scanning my eyes from him and then to the floor by the bedroom door.

I arched an eyebrow and asked, "Tell me, why is there bacon, eggs, and juice staining my carpet?"

"You're worried about the food...but not what I saw?" Maverick stared at me in disbelief.

I shook my head and giggled, "Awe, that's so sweet that you made me breakfast! Too bad I won't get to eat it." My stomach grumbled at the mere mention of food and started doing flip flops. I hadn't really eaten anything and the food that Hendrix had brought me, never made it to my stomach.

Maverick was right, if he was telling me the truth...that he might have seen 'something' above me while I was sleeping, it really could only mean one thing.

Damn it...

No fucking wonder why I've been so drained when I wake up lately. Not to mention the provocative dreams swirling around in my head that make me want to jump on Maverick at this very moment. I'd never have known if he hadn't had seen whatever incubus had attached itself to me. Trapped on Earth, my senses had dulled and that small portion of my soul that was stolen probably wasn't helping either.

Whatever one was doing this to me...was clever, throwing me through a loop and keeping me off his trail.

My skin chilled and I felt goosebumps break out, shuddering at the thought of how long this had been going on for.

Did being unleashed draw more attention to myself?

I don't want Maverick to worry...and as he said, he didn't know exactly what he saw. Being a pureblood, the incubus more than likely couldn't sense his energy, as he liked to mask it often to avoid the hunters. Maverick walking in probably shocked the creature and it flickered from this plane of existence quicker than he would have seen.

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