Book 5⌇29. Maverick?

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Chapter 29 ∣  Maverick?


"Yea, I really don't understand why you thought I would think it would be 'fun' to go to Canada in order to attend an underground rave. I mean seriously?! Why can't you just stay local?" I grumbled, Maverick holding me against his chest as his pace teetered off, coming to a slow run just outside of a completely remote city. It didn't take us all that long to get here, considering his inhuman speed, but still, it was irritating he didn't tell me exactly where we were going.

It was like, hello, hi, we're here, hope you enjoy your stay in this city! Oh, you didn't want to come all the way out here. Too bad, we might as well stay since we came all this way. Yea, that's about how the conversation would play out...

I wouldn't even dare call it a city, more like a dying town.

The wind chilled my exposed skin, my dark leather jacket provided me some shelter against the cold night air, but not much. At least my boots came just below my knees, leaving just parts of my thighs exposed thanks to the short skirt. My long dark hair had been brushed out but was severely windblown by the time we arrived at our destination. The dark liner I wore made my emerald green eyes stand out against my ebony locks, reflecting similar shades with flecks from my tube top.

"How else am I going to take you out of your comfort zone?" Maverick chuckled, the vibrations filling his chest and radiating through to my body. He walked slowly, his eyes drifting briefly to the snow-covered caps on the mountains in the distance.

He made me wear this outfit and he knew it was going to be cold! I hate you...

"Where are we exactly?" My voice gave away how unsure I was of even agreeing to come with him. The town had roughly fifty or so buildings with quite a few appearing to have caught fire previously. It didn't seem like anyone was willing to upkeep this godforsaken hole in the world. It was all but forgotten, yet I couldn't grasp why Maverick brought us here. I didn't see anything remotely looking like a rave club.

Am I just blind?

Maverick wouldn't say a word, eyeing one of the buildings suspiciously before setting me onto my feet. It was eerie, and the very Earth had a slight smell of blood, as though someone had been killed here many years ago. I didn't like this place, it put me off and it scared me more that Maverick wasn't speaking.

When he did speak, he stated, "We are in Pleasant Camp. There is an entrance to the once great underground city of the hunters in that house over there," he pointed to the right house, "Once the hunters had come to terms with the vampires, there was no need for them to cower away in fear. What they left behind, was an incredible structure that now serves as a secret underground rave that not many humans know about. Those who seek it, usually have contact with a vampire."

"You have got to be kidding this a joke?!" I freaked out. I couldn't believe he took us to a place hunters once lived in. I mean, does he have a death wish? What if they came back?

Maverick shook his head, "It's been long forgotten by the rest of the world."

"Nu-uh, I'm not going down there..."my voice trailed off as Maverick walked toward the house he had pointed out. Taking hold of the handle, the door creaked open, the sound filling the silent void. He just hears what he wants to.

Maverick turned to me and smirked, "Live a little. I wouldn't have brought you here if I knew I couldn't protect you."

"It's fucking dangerous," I retorted, not satisfied with his answer. He couldn't deny that there was always a possibility of getting caught.

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