Book 5⌇5. Seriously...Stop Following Me

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Chapter 5 ∣  Seriously...Stop Following Me



In all the years of roaming this Earth, I had never seen a succubus before. I had heard rumors and tales about their existence, mostly only visiting the dreams of sleeping humans in order to take their energy or soul. They had the ability to appear in corporeal form if they so wished but would return to their realm after their venture.

I glanced down at the ethereal creature I held in my arms, unsure of her motives or why she stayed in this plane of existence.

When I was a child, I had read many books about these sex demons from my parents' library. They could steal the soul of any living being...well, except for a vampire, as we had no soul for them to take.

I knew she couldn't seduce me with her innate ability, but I couldn't deny the warmth that came from her hand grasping my shoulder as she held onto me tightly. We were in front of the Dv8 Strip Club before she knew it, the blatantly surprised expression on her face from never having traveled this fast before.

I felt her muscle tense, both of her hands now pushing against my chest to let her go. I sighed in irritation.

Fine, you want me to let you go?

I will.

I released my arms from underneath her body, a shocked gasp emitting from her beautiful lips as her ass hit the cement for the second time. Her emerald eyes glared up at me from under her long raven hair that fell over both of her shoulders.

"" she muttered the two words under her breath as she pushed herself up from the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I shrugged my shoulders innocently, "You did appear as though you wanted me to put you down, so I did."

She was not at all impressed with my sarcasm, her brows narrowing at me as her nose scrunched up in disgust, "You're such a gentleman," she huffed at me, pushing her hair back behind her ears, "Truly, there is no other like you. Were you going to hold the door open for me as well? You are so generous!"

Eris rolled her eyes as I arched one of my eyebrows at her.

So, you do share my love of sarcasm.

"Please, by all means, let me roll out the red carpet for you while I'm at it!" I responded while I motioned towards the front doors of the strip club.

"Fuck off," she growled at me, arcing around where I stood as she made her way to the entrance.


First, she's terrified of my presence. Now, she's treating me like I'm a joke...just because I haven't decided whether her existence is a threat to my own. Not yet anyways...

My curiosity was the only thing keeping her alive.

A smirk came across my lips.

I'll get you back little vixen.

Eris threw open the club door, almost hitting me in the face, but I stepped back and out of the way as the sound of the music met my ears. She sure knew how to evade the crowd, twisting and weaving her way through the mostly male throng until she came to the top of a staircase, leading down to a lower level of the strip club.

Walking over to a free booth, I sat myself down on the cushion fabric. We had both made a mistake last night. We were both predators seeking out our prey to fill us with sustenance. Little did we know exactly what we had entrapped that night.

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