Book 5⌇47. Out For Blood

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Chapter 47 ∣  Out for Blood


"Maverick," I breathed out his name just loud enough for one of my co-workers to hear, my head snapping up and staring at my reflection in the dressing room mirror.

Salana asked, "Eris? Are you okay?"

The way I was staring into my own eyes brought a silent aura around us, my body tensing as the sudden wave of power that washed over me. He wasn't far, just on the outskirts of town once again, although this time, the energy seemed to be radiating from the edge of Forest Park.

My body reacted to his energy, the only time I did have, was to strip off my heels and zip my boots up, standing quickly to my feet and throwing my leather jacket over my upper body.

"Eris!?" Salana called after me, my footsteps echoing off the wooden stairs as I climbed them two at a time, threading my arms through the jacket and fiddling with the zipper. The lead bouncer, Teddy glanced over at me as I came up to the main floor, turning away from the stage and heading in front of the bar. The front doors were just within my grasp when Brice's voice came from my left.

"Eris?" He asked with concern, halting and turning my attention to him. He looked me over once, noticing I was wearing my stripper outfit, the boy shorts barely containing my ass, while my top was concealed with my jacket.

I shook my head, "Brice, I have to leave. Now."

"I'm not going to question you," Brice surprised me, but it wasn't all that shocking since I had returned to work. I didn't waste another second, my long dark hair catching the wind behind me as I pushed open the doors to the Dv8 Strip Club, my eyes homing in on the source of Maverick's energy spike.

Please...don't kill anyone.

Thankfully, I could track his energy, I just wondered how the hunters could possibly find him. Could they sense what I did? Or were their instincts formed through blood just as vampires were?

Either way, I didn't want to find out if either Rainier or Zak beat me to the destination. I took off running, not making it any further than the night that Maverick had dragged me down that same alley, threatening to end my life right then and there. Maybe he had spared my life because he knew there was a connection between the two of us, long before I did?

I glanced from the streets, the night consuming everything but the flickering street lamps, the cool damp air nipping at my bare legs. The moon had almost vanished, to say there was a crescent hanging in the sky, would be a lie. It was a night made for dark intentions, concealed by that emptiness, any acts committed tonight, would be unseen by the mortal eye.

"I'm done being this pathetic nobody..." my voice was quiet, slowly bring my right hand to the front of my jacket, lowering the zipper until the two sides of the material hung open. Tilting my head to the side, I shrugged off the jacket, the complete chill of the air now forming goosebumps on my flesh, my body not accustomed to this type of cold with a lack of clothing.

Come on, I didn't want to ruin my very nice leather jacket...

The spark of electricity edged its way into my chest, racing through every fiber of my body before I felt the shift in my eyes. In a burst of energy, my leathery bat-like wings ripped through the partial fabric of my top, my tail snaking its way through my thin boy shorts. I ran my tongue over my two sets of fangs, my eyes opening and breathing in the air much differently.

"It'll take a monster to find a monster," I smirked, my heart racing with anticipation at the chase, knowing this time, I would find Maverick and make him listen, even if I had to restrain him, he'd stop for just a moment.

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