Book 5⌇34. Broken Toy

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Chapter 34 ∣  Broken Toy


It was the deepest sleep I had ever experienced, but I knew it was dark and wrong, something I shouldn't remain comfortable with. Knowing this alone, kept me from fading and drifting into oblivion and surrendering to the one creature that had caused my imprisonment on Earth. I will have my revenge; I will take back my fragmented soul and ability to recall. You will not hold power over me, I refuse to give in.

I cannot rely on Maverick.

He cannot follow me to the Dominion Plane.

This is my battle. It is mine to lose.

I love you Maverick...I promise, I will see you again and this time, I'll be more than happy to remain living a life on Earth, so long as that life is guaranteed to be with you.

Funny. It isn't guaranteed and you know that, Eris.

Wake up.


Stop it!

You are NOT his beloved. Whatever happy ending you think you two might have had, was NEVER meant to be. If anything, I did him a favor, allowing him to focus on finding his true beloved and princess.

No! No! Leave me ALONE!

A succubus with a vampire prince, how the hell did you ever think that would have played out?


Maverick's a rogue...what is Prince Keegan talking about? He's attempting to manipulate my emotions and turn everything I have grown to love against me. I will not doubt myself, or anything about my life on Earth. I've grown to accept Earth, to accept my life among mortals, to wholeheartedly accept the love I share for Maverick.

My first challenge, waking with my energy having been completely drained, and from the sounds of it, Prince Keegan was continuing to keep me in a very weakened state. Whatever he is planning to do, I must force myself awake and kill him...just like I did with Prince Kalyn.

An excruciating pain erupted from my temples, the burning sensation coursing just beneath the top layer of my skin, radiating through my entire body. Whatever control I had over my mind, vanished, plunging myself further into that shadowy abyss I had so desperately attempted to sway away from.


I lay there, broken and worthless on his bed, my wrists bound by the chains behind my back. The fresh marks that the two princes had so graciously given me, had started to close, the trickling of blood has stopped completely. Though the pain and blood were almost nonexistent, the scars would linger, reminding me of every disgusting and malicious act they had executed upon my helpless body.

My breathing was steady now, Prince Kalyn and Prince Keegan having left the bedroom long ago, leaving me to my thoughts.

I hate this! I fucking hate this life!

This is all because of my parents...just because they couldn't kill King Bram, I remain behind, stuck being a plaything for this godforsaken sadistic prince. I've put up with EVERYTHING! Everything he's done to me, I've just grinned and bared it, refusing to let myself lose control and risk having my complete soul stripped away from me and plunged into an eternal abyss.

This was it. My final breaking point brought forth from being used by the two of them together...what right did they have to mark me? What right did they have to treat me the way they did? Just because they could? Just because I am weaker than they?

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