Bias×You: Nothing

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Because the author is feeling a little stress and is frickin depressed.(and just teared up*ssshhshhh*)
Because of some pics I just posted in my Chat Book(just check it out)
I'm all frickin stressed out to frickin tell it .

Here it goes (-.-)


The teacher was speaking in front as she copied the notes that were written in the board.

She looks like she was listening intently at the lesson ,but she wasn't.
The teachers words just comes out of her ear.

As she daydreams about this boy.
She wants to turn around  to look at him,but she can't.
The teacher will notice.

Because she was unfortunately in the front seat where the teacher is facing her .

She made a quick gaze at the left side of the room ,the windows where she saw the green trees and the blue skies and perfectly white clouds.

She just really want to turn around .She felt really eager and she want to stab the teacher so she could already die and so she could  just  look at him but ...she just can't.

She stomped her feet in depression and said a curse in a very low voice.

The speaker rang and it called for your subject teacher and you felt that full of joy,but now you can't turn around with you staying obvious.

She tried thinking of a plan.
And she got an idea,a little dumbo's idea 'cause she's already dying to see him.

She turned around and pretended she was getting something from her backpack that was placed behind her bag and as soon as she turned around,

She looked at him and noticed he was already staring at her
Her insides were partying with joy .
She gave her sweetest smile,hoping that he will ever notice her ,not just one of the girls in love with her. .

And he let out his signature smirk,that he shows to every other people

And one of the reason ,she fell for him.

She thought she was someone different ,someone special.
But she wasn't. She just wasn't.

Her heart pulsed in excitement and joy but deep inside the boys smirk he felt nothing towards the girl.


Did you love the ending?well thank you (-,-)

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