Never in a Million Years

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I walked past him, and he suddenly grabbed my elbow and made me stop.

"What??" I asked frustrated shaking off his hand to let go of mine.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked furrowed brows narrowing at me.

"Nothing." I said firmly attempting to go , but now you suddenly caught my hand and he faced me to him.

He gave me a stern look, and my tears are now filling up my eyes, and the corners of his orbs softened , and he hugged me.

" What's wrong?" He said softly hugging me. My face was hiding on his chest, and I started bursting when he again asked me what's wrong.

I parted from the hug and tried to look away as my tears wont stop .  He's being that nice guy again. And Im falling--- I cant say that.

"What's bothering you?" He asked me once more, and my eyes still bursted tears.

But anger in me has rised up than pity to myself.

"  I- I like you, and-and  never in a million years you'll feel the same. So please just let's just stop this okay." I said stammering at first.

"I-Im sorry, I-I --" I didnt let him finish as I interjected saying as I wiped my tears " Dont worry about me, you'll be better off without me. I'll be fine"

Then I walked out of the scene and left him there standing .

" Im sorry" he muttered softly that made my heart stung, making me closing my eyes tight so my tears would stop from dropping.

Im already tired.

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