BTS: Pictures

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I stared at the pictures scattered on my bed. I took one and smiled as I saw it.

It was two years ago, in the picture, there was a boy and a girl , which was me and him , smiling wide as my head leaned on his shoulder.

It was such a memory.

Then a memory flashed back.
"Lets take a picture" I said.
"I dont wanna" he says  ,grabbing my face closer to him and squeezing it,making me look like a fish.
"Please" I begged in a cute way.
"Since you're cute, then okay" he says.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and smiled as wide as I could and he did too and made funny poses

Then he suddenly kissed me, and I hit him shock.

"What the heck ,did you just do?"

"It's called a kiss babe"

It was such a good memory.
I wish he was here. I wish he was still here.

What would you do if the only man you ever loved left this world without waiting for you?

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