Namjoon: Can't be

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"I always did find him attractive" I stated suddenly

My bestfriend turned her head, and responded, "who?"
"Someone"I chimed all merrily.

She furrowed her brows and pouted "whatever" you heard her mumble.

"He's handsome,manly,a genius and most of all a gentleman" I giigled and my friend slightly smiles at my action.

"But,we can't be" I muttered

"Don't tell me..."
My eyes widened.

"Is that guy," she asks with suspension

"Married?" He shouts. And I shushed her "No, he's not" I whispered.

"He's just...perfect" I sighed as I saw him

Our professor then arrived
,and everyone became quiet and sat at their respective places

"Good morning Mr Kim." Everyone greeted

"Good morning, my love" I whispered.

"Good morning, my love" I whispered

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