Namjoon: Sacrifice

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_____,wait..I'm sorry..I'll make it up to you.
You did not listen to him ,instead you walked faster..

He grabbed your arm,and he pulled yourself to him

You faced him teary eyed ..

I'm sorry,I really amHe said wiping your face with his hands,but your tears never stop

He pulled you closer to him,and your tears pooled down on his chest.. And he hugged you tighter ..


Flashback minutes ago.

You were walking down the street going over to your best friends house,

You were feeling so bored in your apartment so you ,planned in going on having a surprise visit .Your sweetest boyfriend Told you that he is too busy today..

But you were happy that ,despite of his business he still managed on texting you
Good morning .You were on your way going to your bff And brought her favorite cookies,freshly baked by you

You were already in front of your friends apartment.

You knocked ,three times but the door won't open .

You thought on calling your friend,but It would ruin the surprise so you decided not to call her name
You twisted the door knob,and the door opened up.

And you were shocked to see ...

All your best friends thing were all wrecked ..

You gasped in surprise , you stayed shocked for a minute and hurriedly went to her room to see if she's alright.

And .

No one was there ..

Good thing,nothing bad happened to your friend.

But are you sure.

You hurriedly picked your phone and called her. .

It rang more than 10 times, but no one is answering , you felt nervous and worried

What could have happen to her??


You got out of her apartment rushing outside ..
Not knowing what to do.

You quickly got to the elevator , and when it opened up..

What the!? you gasped
And so did they..

It was your boyfriend, Namjoon and your best friend.
They quickly let go of their hands locked together ,just seconds ago.

You didn't notice that ,there were already tears escaping your eye .

You didn't know what to do.

Your heart is like being shot by gun repeatedly..
You were so worried about your best friend , and you tried understanding your boyfriends schedule

And this is what ,they'll pay you back.

You want to run,but you just can't move..

But when he tried ,nearing you..

That's when you got the force to walk.


After the incident that happened years ago.

You forgave him,Yes but..

Broke up with him..

You just have to let go,even it felt so hard but you did.

They loved each other , so ..

*Ding Dong

Miss,____..there is  a mail for you.

You reached for the boys hand..

You smiled ..when you read the content..

F****,they're getting married next week. You said calmly  in a low voice

I guess, we were never for each other. Then you chuckled

But you never regretted ,that you broke up with him..

If you did not let go of him...

Your best friend might have been still searching..knowing that the one she loves is already owned.

And your boyfriend, too.

You love both of them..
And they both love you.

But sometimes, there is this one person that needs to sacrifice.

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