Jin: Fake relationship

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Jin,oppa! Where have you been? I've been waiting for almost an hour..
You said whimpering.

Sorry___...Just needed to finish our practice.
He said then seated beside me

We're actually at my room right now, I told them that we need to finish a project ,but that's not really true,it's just an excuse
And my parents doesn't mind coz hes kinda my oppa,and he is already even close to my Mom

So ,why am I here again?
He asked me while looking at his reflection in the screen of his phone

Oppa, I need to talk to you!!!
Its about me.
He paused on what he was doing and  stared at me for a while.
I have a crush on someone.. and
She has a crush on___..
You know her oppa,she is my ex bestfriend and my worst enemy..

She is my best friend that betrayed me so just she can get all the attention and be popular.
She bullies me  a lot..Since she got popular on school

I hated her,she just laughs at me.
She is an evil little wicked bitchy witch.

Good thing,there's Jin oppa.
I have my new bestfriend now..
He was my childhood friend..but had to move,so we got seperated..

But years after,he got back,right in time..when I needed a friend.

Uhmmm..and he is still waiting what I have to say.
Jin oppa,Since your my bestfriend ..and yet..I'm still shy on telling you this.Well,I was about to confess to him my feelings but before,I could say a word ,he already rejected me and told me that he like ..you know..

And as an excuse,I made up chuchus  ..and ended up saying ..I already have a boyfriend
I said as I covered my face with my hands..
Go on. he said ,and still waiting.

Well,since your my best friend slash   brother ..Uhmm can you do this one little favor for me??
And he just stared at me,
Uhmm..can you,I mean..uhh..
I said,thinking if I have to say it or what
Just get on with it.
He shouted at me,but in a friendly way.
Can you please pretend your my boyfriend??
I said so fast ,covering my face..
Coz I can smell his rejection..


Sure, why not??
And I gaped in surprise.

Oh gomayo...I love you oppa-...I said and hugging him real tight .


Me and Jin oppa ,are walking in the halls right now..
And who wouldn't be bothered ,if everyone is staring at you as you pass..

I understand,that maybe they're just shocked..

Even I too,was.

Well,Its just Jin oppa ,is holding my hands,well it feels awkward..and he's the one who insisted on doing it.

I mean,who wouldn't be in a surprise ,if you see one of the most handsome guy in campus ,holding Hands with some random plain student like me ...

Well, I never even exposed our bestfriend relationship ,so other fan girls would not attack me or what..

And then,one day.. you just saw that plain girl together with the famous handsome guy..

Which is my best friend ,Kim SeokJin..

He felt,that I'm nervous so,he looked at me and felt that he held it tighter..

That kinda  felt good and yet more nervous feeling.

OMFG, I cant believe that.. Jin like girls like her..

She doesn't deserve him..

Dont worry girls, she is just one of Jin's flings.

These are their comments as we pass by..

Better get use to it.


Its late and I need to get back home .. Im walking the dark school halls right now .

I stayed over our classroom earlier,coz I needed to finish some paper works and did not notice the time.

And Jin oppa,is maybe practicing again and busy right now .

I was walking and suddenly ..
I heard foot steps..

I felt my heart beating fast ,coz of fear.

And suddenly  someone grabbed your arm..

In shock,you screamed.

Shut up, li'l  bitch..
And when I looked at the person in front if me,it was My Ex Bestfriend with 2 other ugly girls.

.Well,well.. If it isn't the new girlfriend  of Kim SeokJin..

She said with her evil tone.

I walked backwards..

Oh dear,you cant escape..she said and grinned at you ..and two other girls are behind you too.

W-why..a a-re you doing this to me?You stuttered in fear.

Me?and pointed her hands to herself..Uhmm,well ..It's fun ..
And oh yeah,I almost forgot..

Its because I hate you!!!
she scowled

She raised her hand aiming to slap me and I just closed my eyes.
But, suddenly I opened my eyes..
Someone grabbed her arm..

Hey,you! And he faced my ex best friend.
And her expression  was in disgrace.

Don't you dare mess with my girlfriend! He said seriously

Girlfriend?she smirked I know that two of you are just pretending.

And I was taken aback..How did she know?

She is my girlfriend, and its real...

He pulled me ,facing him..

And the next thing was so unexpected.

He kissed me.

And we parted and took a sigh.

I love you ___,since from the start,and I'm sorry for that.

I felt my heart beating so fast..and that's when I realize too.

I love you too.

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