Suga: Stares

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You woke up again still feeling tired.
Its the third day of Summer,so you really still want to sleep,and feel the comfort of your cozy bed.

You still feel like sleeping ,so you decided to rest a little longer.

~ Toot ,toot ,toot~
your phone vibrated so you  opened your eyes and reached for your phone.

It was your friend,

Denise,Im already waiting outside your apartment..where are you?

oh shoot!,you forgot,you have to attend dance lesson

You got up,and you did your daily routine.

You wore a loose sleeveless red tops and black tights..

You went down on your apartment and saw her sitting' at the corner of the staircase ..

Denise,what took you so long??
she whimpers in slow voice ..

You rode on a taxi going to the dance gym .

When you went in,there were already lots of group practicing.

You and your bestfriend are dance partners.

When the last group ,was already finished. It was you and your best friend's time.

You dance to the beat,and dance to your best.

You rested on the near chair and drunk lots of lots of water in exhaustion.

There was a group of boys that got you attention.

~ Insert bts "i need u " dance practice.

They were dancing and lip syncing at the same time.

You focused on a pink haired boy,he look so cool..

Oooohh..rap! You thought..
his a rapper.

So cool, despite of his pink head.

When they were already finished dancing,you didn't notice you were still staring at him.

And you got accidental eye contact,and that's when you got your sense back.

He looked at you and smirked.

You turned your head to your friends side. embarassing ..

But he was like ..uuhh!! CoooooL


The dance practice ended..
You and your best friend were in the washroom,changing clothes.

Hey,Denise,And I turned to her Do you know  what?,I notice that someone was eyeing on you...
As she wipes her face with a towel
Facing on the mirror.

Huh?!You gasped

Oh,Im talking about the pink headed boy.!!

Him??,you thought without noticing you were already blushing..

Yahhh!!!!!Denise you're blushing..she said laughing


Your bestfriend treated you in a near Coffee Shop
You ordered your favorite frappuccino 

So Denise,lets talk about pinky?
She said out of nowhere.

Huh?!Who's pinky??You asked but you already know who she's talking about.

You know..The pink-headed boy that stares at you like there's no tomorrow

Oh?you gasped and sipped your frap

So what about him?you added.
Uhmmmm-she stopped and stared through.

You're sitting opposite to the direction of the door,so she point it using her lips ,and turned your head around.

It was the group of boys from the Dance Gym earlier.
They sat two tables away from your right.

Speaking of your admirer . she said as she sipped her drink.

Aisssshh..he's not my admirer
You whimpered in a low voice.

You sipped your frap ,but you cant stop but stare at him..

And he caught you,looking at him..

And fudge ,he smirked again.
You turned your head and pulled your bestfriend out of the coffee shop.

And before you could open the door ,someone grabbed your arm .

You turned around and,

It was him..

Hey,he said looking directly into my eyes


U-uhmmm..w-what can I help you?
Shoot I stuttered..

Im Min Yoongi,call me Suga..
I know you like me and I like you too. Lets go out!

And I  stayed in shock for a minute and nodded.

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