Suga : Closer

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Your P.O.V,

I plugged my earphones, and watch people walk with their friends going home. Im at a waiting shed near the gate of the campus.

"Bye Y/N " some of my classmates pass by, and I simpy nodded and and smiled faintly at them.

Then Yoongi, a guy of my age sat next to me but leaving a small distance between us .

I stole some glances, and he looks like he was just staring at the horizon.

Bruh, he's weird.

Then he suddenly turned to me and I panicly turned to the other side.

Shit! Y/N .

I heard him chuckle.

I glance at him, once more and the spaces between us are decreasing.
I was looking at him and he was looking at me , when he moved closer.

I was shocked but I smiled .

Until there were no spaces between us. He pulled one of my earphone out of my ear and put it into his.

Then he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Huh?" I suddenly muttered.

"Sshh.. Dont talk." And he shushed me and slept in my shoulder .

I smiled and he smiled as well.

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