Let's Go Back a Bit

Start from the beginning

"I pity you and your sisters and mother the most." Her father sighed as his blood lust left him. "Especially your mother. She refuses to see the truth even though she knows it. And she leaves you girls in the dark. All to protect her pride."

"What do you mean father?" She asked. "What is mother hiding from us?"

Her father sighed as his shoulders slumped. "Never mind. Forget I said anything."

She opened her mouth to speak but he walked on to his new prison. They watched in silence as Ragon shaped the earth of the mountain with the powers he had received from her father as a child. Ragon first built a tunnel leading in and created an inner chamber large enough for her house to fit. The only thing that would be in it though was her father chained to a giant boulder made from her mother's stone. Which was brought in and Ragon created an impression in the floor for it to sit in. Then her father was chained to it and they left him there. As the left her father said one last thing to Ragon.

"Don't dismiss me so easily." Her father grinned. "I'll be taking that power from the world when you die. Of all the fruit powers it is the one that is most dangerous if left in the government's hands."

Ragon ignored his words which were the last words he spoke for an entire year. Within that year many things happened. Ragon was made the Fleet Admiral of the World Government's new navy. Many pirates and outlaws were crushed by his power and the World Government grew in power and standing by using his name. Her father's name was also illegalized and all documents and proof of what had happened over the last one hundred years was destroyed. The World Government was off to a good start but tragedy struck when Ragon became ill and died less than a year after receiving his position. And what made it worse was that during the funeral the body dissapeared and his power never resurfaced.

All that time Tranquility watched over her father. He barely ate and did not utter a single word. Many times when she watched him he watched her back. Other times he seemed asleep but nothing she did would ever wake him. To pass time she told him stories and talked to him. She even pretended sometimes that he talked back. And eventually he did when she showed an interest in what he really did before the War started.

"If you really want to know I'll tell you." He whispered softly surprising her. His voice was a little rough from not using it. "But you must promise not to tell anyone unless I give you permission."

Of course she promised and he told her everything. And her world was changed since that day.

Remembering that time brought tears to her eyes. Her father had been wronged completely. She wiped her tears away and noticed she was standing before the cave entrance. She sighed as she took a step inside. But someone grabbed her and pulled her back.

"You don't want to go in there." A young boy with whitish hair stood behind her keeping her from entering. "It's not safe."

Immediately she moved to attack him. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she tried to strike him with the bare handed fighting style her father had taught her. It was specific to her ability and focused in palm contact. "Noone is supposed to be able to even get near here."

"Woah lady!?" The boy, seemed to be around sixteen or seventeen years old, exclaimed in surprise as he dodged her attacks. He also attacked her himself, and with her own fighting style. Her instincts told her she didn't want his palms touching her. "Here I am trying to help and now I'm getting attacked?!"

"Don't worry." She spoke calmly. "Once I beat you you'll tell me everything I want to know." Even though she said that she was confused. Since both their attacks focused on palm contact they had hit each other several times. Which meant the boy should have calmed down and been at her mercy. But each time her strike made any contact the contact lasted for less then a second and the boys attacks would become sluggish for a moment before he somehow recovered. Normally she would take advantage of that sluggishness but the same thing was happening to her when his strikes made contact. What ever his power was it was similar to hers.

Frost was nearing his limit. This lady was something else. Everytime her attacks hit he nearly passed out. And for some reason she was really hard to freeze. He kept trying for lower and lower temperatures but nothing seemed to work. He was even getting close to absolute zero. Guess if he couldn't freeze her then he should freeze the particles in the air around her.

The fight had dragged on way longer than Tranquility expected. Her own moves were becoming sluggish. Something that shouldn't be possible, since she was decended from her parents, she should be able to outlast any mortal easily. But here she was striking with all her might but it felt like she was attacking through sludge or something. Since she wasn't holding her strength back to her opponent it probably looked like she hadn't slowed but if this fight didn't end soon she just might lose. And her opponent seemed to be growing immune to her power. Another oddity.

Frost was amazed. The particles around this woman were frozen solid but she blasted through them with her strikes like they were nothing. There was a tiny slowing of her attacks because of it. If he hadn't been trained by dad and Pops he wouldn't have noticed the difference.

He didn't even have time for a drawn out fight. He was supposed to be finding Hiro and was only here because he had felt drawn to it mysteriously. Like it was some greater being trying to build suspense or something. 😒

"Can't we settle this with words?" He begged for what seemed the tenth time. Instead of answering the woman aimed a strike at his face. As he dodged it he heard the particles explode. If one of her attacks hit straight on he wouldn't have to worry about passing out from her weird power. He'd die!

His only hope would be to go below absolute zero. The new move he had mastered with Pops. Time Frost!

Tranquility saw an opening and attacked with a palm thrust to the chest. But her opponent seemed to have the same idea since he too was aiming for her chest. Neither of them could defend with their other hand and both of them shifted their attack to block. Their palms struck each other with a bang.

They sat there for a moment struggling against each other when suddenly ice encased her arm all the way up to her shoulder. Crying out she fell back holding her frozen arm. Her opponent also cried out holding his arm, it was bleeding alot. He staggered a bit before falling to his knees. He was clearly fighting off the effects of her Calm.

"Now your going to tell me everything I want to know." She growled as she broke the ice on her arm. The skin was bright red and starting to show signs of frostbite.

"What if I don't know?" Her opponent laughed as he passed his good hand across the bleeding. The blood now glistened and was frozen.

"You can start by telling me your name and how you did that." She pointed to his arm. "What fruit did you eat?"

"Didn't eat a fruit." He shook his head. "And the names Frost." He grinned. "And how come we couldn't start with this instead of fighting?"


Whaaaaat!!!!! What do you guys think? It's hard doing fight scenes.

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