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phil's hands weren't sweating this time as he made his way up dan's porch. he wasn't scared, or intimidated or self-conscious. this time he was angry, anxious and somewhat determined, with anticipation clawing his stomach. his fingers were clumsy as he rang the buzzer, tapping his foot nervously and running a hand through his choppy fringe. he kind of regretted coming here without even taking a look in the mirror as he probably looked much older than his age, probably even a homeless man or a burglar with puffy eyes and red cheeks.

the door opened after a torturous five minute span, revealing dan's mother standing with an apron around her waist and a spatula in her hand as if everything was normal. she took a step away from the door, feeling rather intimidated by phil's stubbly jaw and greasy hair, his eyes partially watering and his lips in a tight line.

"how may i help you?" she reluctantly spoke, crossing her hands over her chest and phil anxiously stared at her.

"i, um," he stuttered. "can i see dan?" he spoke and he could swear he saw all the colour drain from the woman's face.

"oh, i, um, who you may be?" she counter questioned, her confidence wavering, trying to dismiss him.

"i'm phil, phil lester, dan's friend," he lied. it wasn't exactly a lie as him and dan were certainly friends but they were much more than that as well.

"dear, i'm afraid dan isn't here at the moment," she kindly said, remembering the name and remembering how dan stayed at his place for a couple days.

"why? where is he?" phil was panicking and he could not stop playing the voicemail in his head, again and again.

before his mother could answer a black car pulled into view, dan's mother's face paling and phil's contorting into a confused expression as two familiar men climbed out of the car and following them, was dan's lean frame and long legs.


I am really really sorry for doing this but I don't think I'll be updating this anymore. I will publish the already drafted chapters but you will have to wait longer for further updates as all my gadgets have been taken away by my parents and I have absolutely no medium of communication with anyone. So goodbye for now. Thank you for all your support so far.

I will also not be replying to anyone now for obvious reasons..so bye for now.

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