Chapter 43

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"I don't hear much talking in there!" Sirius yelled from outside the door. Lily did a quick spell and the door swung up, causing Marlene and Sirius to fall on the ground.

"Hey!" Marlene exclaimed, standing up after behind offered a hand from Sirius. She brushed her clothes off and crossed her hands over her shoulder. "We weren't eavesdropping by the way-"

"Save it." James said laughing after leaning back into his seat.

"I have to talk to you guys anyways about something." Lily said after Sirius shut the door and took the seat next to James.

"Well that escalated quickly." Marlene mumbled as she fixed her skirt on the seat next to Lily. She turned to face Lily who took a deep breath before continuing.

"Well in the Three Broomsticks, I saw someone." She said, biting her bottom lip and looking around at the others. James titled his head nervously as she waited for her to continue.

"Who did you see?" Marlene asked in suspense, waiting for her to finish her story.

"Marlene she's going to tell us if you let her finish." Sirius said, chuckling as he playfully kicked Marlene. She just glared in response and tossed her hair back.

Lily just giggled after that exchange between the two and then took another deep breath before continuing. She opened her mouth but then closed it.

"Alright Lily you don't need to put us in suspense!" James joked, earning a laugh from Sirius and Marlene.

"I saw this guy named Cameron." Lily admitted, dwindling her eyes to the ground. "But he looked just like Alec-"

James immediately stood up, his hands turned into fists. He was taking huffs as his face flushed in anger. Marlene giggled and made an "oooooh" sound at this but then she turned back to serious.

"Lily why didn't you tell us?" Marlene said, titling her head to look at Lily who still had her eyes fixed to the ground.

"Alright guys let her finish her story, she said he looked like Alec. That's all, right?" Sirius said, still unconvinced.

"Well kinda, I saw him there and he wouldn't leave the table-"

"He better not have touched my Lilyflower!" James grunted, still standing up as Sirius tried to calm him down. Lily smiled a little, thinking it was cute James got all defensive but then she thought about the situation and regained her posture.

"Well he called me Lilyflower which was a little weird." Lily admitted, laughing slightly at James' jaw dropping in anger.

"Hey that's my nickname for you!" James yelled, shaking his head with clear anger in his eyes.

"James, we know." Sirius said simply, trying his best not to laugh at James like this.

"It's fine I probably won't see him again, I just wanted to let you guys know." Lily said, trying her best to smile at her friends to try and ease their nerves. "James, don't worry."

And suddenly when Lily said that, James' shoulders relaxed and he took a seat down. It's like just a few words from Lily can cast an entire spell throughout his mind, she was capable of making him do or feel anything.

"I also met this guy....Rubeus Hagrid?" Lily said, looking around got see if anyone knew. Immediately James and Sirius' faces lit up and they nodded excitedly.

"He lives on school grounds!" Sirius said like a child as he jumped on James in excitement.

"And he's training to be the gamekeeper!" James added, his face lighting up by the minute. Sirius was still grinning like an idiot.

"Sounds like you two have man crushes on this dude." Marlene said, dumbfounded by their excitement.

"He's not just a dude Marls, he's a half giant! He's a legend-" Sirius began to say.

"Does he even know who you guys are?" Lily asked, chuckling at the two. Marlene giggled at this and reached for Lily's hand to hold. Lily smiled back warmly at Marlene when she did this.

"Well um not exactly..." James began, shrugging.

"He's definitely seen us before though!" Sirius added, crossing his arms over his chest smugly.

Suddenly Marlene perked up as if a lightbulb went off in her head. She reached over to grab something from her purse and giggled with excitement. "You all are going to love me, I have the best idea ever!"

She showed the group a piece of parchment and quill in her hand and gestured to them. Everyone looked at her with confusion and she sighed. "Really? You don't get what I mean by this?"

Moments of silence passed by and Sirius made a cricket noise. After earning a kick from Marlene, Sirius chuckled.

"No! You can write to him over the summer." Marlene said, earning realization from the group as everyone finally understood what she meant.

"That's a brilliant idea, Marls!" Lily exclaimed happily. "I'm sure his biggest fans over here would enjoy that fun."

" wanna write the first letter to him as a group?" Marlene suggested to which everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll start it off!" Lily said, reaching over to grab the quill and parchment. Marlene quickly passed ink over as well.

"Dear Rub, Rubeus, Hagrid...what exactly should we call you?

It was a pleasure meeting you and I'm sorry it was rushed. If you don't remember me I'm that girl who bumped into you and then you gave me a rose. Anyways my friends are sorta obsessed with you in the non creepiest way possible.

This is James now, I just took the pen from Lily. I'm one of those friends but I'm swear I'm not obsessed that's more of my friend Sirius...

Alright alright alright this is Sirius, the most attractive one of the group. Except maybe Marlene, just kidding! Nobody can beat Sirius' looks.

This is Marlene the one that Sirius said was attractive but then said I wasn't. I think he is secretly in love with me hahahaha. He just kicked me by the way.

This is Lily again and I'm writing for the group. Marlene thought of the idea of writing to you and we thought it would be fun. So please write back!


Lily Evans
James Potter
Sirius Black
Marlene McKinnon

P.S. Hopefully the owl doesn't take long to get to you, it's Marlene's and well she says sometimes it just does whatever it wants. Bye for now.

P.P.S Sirius Black is the most attractive man you will ever meet.

P.P.P.S James Potter is hotter."

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