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Lily could not believe what had just happened yesterday. Her best friend, whom she had become so close to... called her a mudblood. Lily shuddered at the thought. She felt deranged for even being friends with him.

"Lily it's time for breakfast." Mary called softly. Mary knew Lily better than anyone else and they were both incredulous when they found out Severus had called Lily that horrible word.

"I'll be there in a little." Lily mumbled from under the covers. Mary had never seen Lily like this, she was so used to seeing her lively personality.

"Lily, I'm not leaving without you," Mary said sternly, "you have to get out of your bed sometime."

"Okay...fine" Lily pulled herself out of the bed away from the warm and comfortable covers.

Mary and Lily chatted as they walked to The Great Hall. When they sat down, Lily immediately felt somebody staring at her. As she looked up, James didn't look away.

"Are we playing the staring game or something?" Lily asked, smiling a little.

"If I win this staring game, do I get to go on a date with you?" James smirked.

"You wish, Potter." Lily poured herself some pumkin joice while chatting to Alice.

Later that day, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter sat at the tree they usually sat at. Remus was studying for exams, Sirius was day dreaming and James was catching his snitch like always, while Peter applauded for him. James couldn't help sneaking glances at the Gryffindor girls, his eyes looking partically for one special girl.

"Look over there." Sirius spoke with a hint of joy in his voice which made James take his gaze away from Lily.

"Snivellus." James said while smirking. Peter giggled as he cheered for Sirius and James.

Severus avoided them, as he clearly did not want a repeat of yesterday.

"James," Remus spoke sternly, "Lily wouldn't want you to do this." This got James to hesitate and eventually sit back down. The truth is, James was deeply hurt when Lily said he wasn't any better than Snape. He would never call Lily that word! James didn't understand what Lily saw in that greasy haired-

"It's time for our next exam." Remus said as he snapped his book shut. Sirius and James began laughing at some joke that made no sense to anyone else. Peter started bitting his nails nervously.


Once James had finished his exam, he made his hair even more untidy and started looking around.

Remus was, of course, scribbling word after word, working intently on his exam.

Peter was the opposite of Remus, he was glancing around at others and was bitting his nails nervously.

Sirius gave a smirk and thumbs up to James.

After returning the thumbs up, James looked out for the one persom who mattered most to him. Lily was vivaciously writing, her long hair covering some of her stunning face.

"Alright I will now collect the exams!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, as she used a spell to collect all the papers instantly.

The 5th years were all in triumph since that was the last exam they had to take.

"Potter!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed as everyone raced to get out of the room. James groaned as he reached his Professor.

"There's something significant that you must know." She had a look of worry and pitty plastered on her face as she began to explain.

The news Professor McGonagall told James quickly spread throughout the castle and soon everyone knew the deranged news about James


AN: Well that's it for the first chapter of my Jily fanfiction! Comment below any suggestions! -Caroline :)

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