Chapter 35

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It was simply just Rub, the one who Lily lifted his hat in the air. She glanced down and noticed that he was clutching his dirty and fringed hat. He was taking deep breaths and Lily assumed he just ran to keep up with her. 

"I'm really sorry but I'm in really disastrous situation right now and I can't really talk." Lily said truthfully and her heart dropped when she saw that he was also holding a rose for her. 

"For you." He said, holding out the beautiful bright red rose. She hardly knew this guy but yet this simple gesture caused her to beam. 

"This is so sweet!" Lily exclaimed. "Thank you so much, you really didn't have to do this." 

Even in the darkest times, people were able to exchange acts of kindness even to strangers. Lily was able to relax for a little because of Rub and stopped worrying about Cameron. 

"I hope to see you again," Lily warmly smiled. "I will send you an owl or something. But I really should head back to the castle. Thanks again." 

Lily glanced at Rub up and down and realized she mistook him. He was broad yet he wasn't as big as a normal giant. He could possibly be half-giant. Lily warmly smiled at the friendly figure and wondered about him. 

"Before you go, I should formally introduce myself." He cleared his throat and bowed at Lily. "My name is Rubeus Hagrid." 


James stormed into the common room with a wailing high pitched voice behind him. Layla was trying her best to grab at James but he forcefully shrugged her off. As he walked in, Sirius and Marlene immediately stood up from their seats. 

"James?" Marlene tilted her head which she usually always did when she was puzzled or confused. "Aren't you on a date with Lily?" 

James looked at Marlene and Sirius who were holding each other's hands. James envied those two for having a joyful relationship with no trouble. Layla caught up fully with James and began to talk, saying many words at once. 

"Get away from me!" James yelled, throwing his hands forcefully by his sides, in fists. 

"James." Sirius said, in a calm tone. James was always in a playful and fun manner so when he was angry, it was serious. "You need to take a deep breath and calm down. Once you do that, you can explain." 

"It wasn't my fault!" Layla said foolishly, dragging her feet across the common room to make a scene. "I-I didn't-"

"Shut it!" James said and he banged his fists against the wall, leaving a dent. 

Immediately at that sound, Remus came running down with a trailing Peter from upstairs and pulled James away. "Mate, it's going to be alright. What happened?" 

"Layla and Mary happened. Where is Mary anyways?" James said angrily, looking around like an animal looking for prey. "They are both going to pay!"

"James don't do anything stupid, they aren't worth it." Sirius said while Remus nodded his head, agreeing with him. 

Marlene stood there, not knowing what to do. "Is Lily alright?" Lily was nowhere to be seen so Marlene was worried quite a bit. 

"It's important to know if James is alright first!" Sirius said bitterly. He shot a dirty glare to Marlene because of caring more for Lily. As if James was Marlene's best friend. 

"It's important to know if they are both safe! At least we know James is here but where is Lily?" Marlene said sassily, giving Sirius the same glare he gave her. 

James grunted and looked away immediately when Marlene asked where Lily was. 

"Marlene, I don't think it's a good idea to bring up Lily. He's definitely upset because of her." Remus said, trying his best to calm down everyone. However at this point, everyone was beyond their point of happiness. This was serious. 

"Well you're either going to explain yourself or I'm going to find Lily. Your choice." Marlene said with a feisty tone and she looked dramatically towards the others. 


AN: A huge thank you to all the reads, votes and comments! I would not be here in this position without all of you! I'm so grateful and thankful and I have so much to say about you guys! Also a huge shoutout to corirandomapple for correctly guessing who Rub was, Hagrid! I hope you guys like Hagrid being involved, he will become an important character! Gotta love Hagrid! If you guys keep commenting your guesses about what is going to happen in the story, I will give you shout outs! Who do you guys think is Cameron? Stay tuned and I hope you have an amazing day! Sorry for not updating in a while, more updates will come your way! -Caroline <3 :D

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