Chapter Three - So he wears Clive Christian No. 1 for Men, huh?

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                                                               ~ Chapter Three ~

 I passed a garden and picked a flower. It had the faint smell of pollen. It's beautiful lavender color could be seen from a mile away. As I walked to school Monday, memories of what happened over the weekend kept on replaying.


"ABIGAIL!" screamed my father from downstairs.

  Wow, yet after seventeen years the man couldn't even cease to learn my name. I walked downstairs to see him finishing a bottle of vodka.  I swear he could drink a gallon of vodka, without water, in a chug.

"Yes?" I answered.

    He looked at me with his blue eyes bloodshot. His dirty blond hair was messy and his beer belly was shown. His face gave me a look of disgust. He looked at me from head to toe and threw the bottle at me. I dodged it by a millisecond and he threw another at me. It hit me on my shin and broke. I dropped down onto the glass and my body became covered in cuts. He let out a laugh and muttered things I wouldn't dare to repeat. Tears streamed down my face as I crawled, yes-- CRAWLED, upstairs. What made it worse was that mom wasn't home. I finally reached the last step. I was out of breath so I leaned against the rail. I tried to wipe my tears but my body was too sore. Blood was flowing slowly down my arm and soaked through my pants. I saw a shard sticking out of my arm and eyed it carefully. I carefully pulled it out and watched as blood poured through. I numbly got up and walked to my room. I went into my bathroom and soaked a rag. I dabbed my cuts and added peroxide to them. My whole body was extremely sore that Saturday.



   I looked to my left to see a car coming straight for me. It felt as if time slowed down as the car approached me. I dropped my flower and widened my eyes in shock.

"AZURA!" I heard someone scream.

   I covered my face with my hands and felt strong arms cocoon my body as I was pushed off of my feet. The car zoomed by as my body met the floor.  I trembled in fear, yet, I felt safe. My body never took damage, I didn't even feel hurt.  I can't, I can't open my eyes.

"Azura..." I heard an alluring voice whisper. "It's me..."

   Though my eyes were closed, tears seeped their way through as I silently sobbed. Beside me with his arms still wrapped around my body was him-- and I knew it.

"M-Mr. Maxwell...?" I whispered.

"...Please don't scare me like that again." I heard him whisper as his voice silently cracked at the end.

"Mr. Maxwell... w-why...?" I questioned.

    He gently escaped my arms and got up. He kneeled down on his left knee and brushed my bruised face.

"How could something so... delicate... get such bruises...?" he whispered wiping my tears.

   I slowly got up but fell back into Mr. Maxwell's arms. A sudden pang of pain shot through my legs as I saw blood seep through my pants. I tried to get out of his arms but he wouldn't let me.

"Stop moving." he said softly.

   I did as I was told and stopped moving. My feet was slowly lifted off of the ground as Mr. Maxwell carried me towards the school.

"What's your favorite movie?" he questioned.

   To be honest, I was glad that he never mentioned the situation. I honestly was extremely scared so I decided to play along.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now