Chapter Nine - Vincent's Stiff Neck Beauty

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                                          Chapter Nine - Vincent's Stff Neck Beauty

   I got up as I groaned and touched my neck.  I turned on the lamp as I sat up.

"God damn it, I got a stiff neck." I groaned.

   An appealing smell was wrapped around my nose as I got up out of bed and followed it. I found myself in the kitchen and watched as Vincent made breakfast.

"Morning, my stiff neck beauty!" he cooed.

"Shut up." I said as I groggily walked over to the table and sat down.

   He placed a plate in front of me as I instantly dug in.

"Damn you can eat!" he said amazed.

   I stuck my tongue out at him as I shoved half an egg down my mouth.

"God, you sure can cook!"

"You never tasted God's cooking before."

"Don't get smart with me mister, I'm not the one to mess with in the mornings." I said threatening him with my fork.

"I can tell, especially with that sexy bed head. I can imagine your hair after sex."

   I nearly choked on my waffle as I looked up at him in surprise. My face must've been red like a tomato as he smirked and sat down at the table.

   He began to eat as I suddenly felt uncomfortable.  I heard him munching on his waffles as I tried to avoid his lust filled gaze.


    I felt myself blush as I met his eyes.

"You're so cute."

    I quickly got up from the table and ran to the bathroom. I heard Vincent's laugh fade as I finally reached the bathroom and slam the door. He ALWAYS does that! I looked in the mirror as I scowled at my reflection. I ran my hands through my messy hair until it became wavy. I washed my face and left the bathroom. I went back to the kitchen to see it vacant. I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes. Looking over at the time, I went upstairs and found Vincent's laptop. I opened it and scowled when it required a password. I thought to myself and nodded.


     Incorrect? Well, Vincent has a big ego, I'm surprised that's not his password. I looked at the password hint and smiled.

'The love of my life.'


     My heart skipped a beat when it never went through. I thought for a second. Maybe he spelled my name wrong?


     Still incorrect. I frowned and thought back. I suddenly remembered Katie.


      I almost threw the laptop across the room when it went through. I tightly gripped the sides as I huffed and took a deep breath. I decided to go on Facebook. Vincent was logged in but I shook my head and logged him off. I logged on and ignored the fast beatings of my heart. Ihad seventeen notifications, six messages and two friend requests. I decided to check the friend requests and furrowed my brows when someone from South Africa wanted to add me.

"What the..."

    I clicked 'ignore' and saw the next one. I wasn't sure whether to smile or to frown when I saw 'Vincent Maxwell.' I decided to add him and almost laughed when I saw his URL. For some reason, the back of my head felt funny as I turned around to see Vincent. His eyes looked at mine questioningly as I looked back down.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now