Chapter Twenty One - Redemption

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[A/N] - This chapter is dedicated to each and everyone of you guys! Thank you so much for waiting patiently. I'm so sorry for the long wait, I had a terrible writer's block. This chapter is mildly sexual *wink wink*. Enjoy <3

                                         ~ Chapter Twenty One - Redemption ~


    I stared at the flat screen deep in thought. It has been roughly two days since Azura even said a single word to me. The school was also shut down for a week and two days because it was damaged during the storm, so I was stuck in here. I huffed and frowned. Pulling out my laptop, I went on Facebook to speak to one of my friends.

   I scrolled down to see one of my best friends Pierce online. I smiled and clicked on her name.


   I smiled even wider at her quick reply.

Hey Vincent, long time no talk.

...I think you know why I messaged you.

Relationship problems? Lol.

Yeah... Can you help me?

Alright, what's her age, personality and what does she like?



Pierce, can you keep a secret?

Excuse me Vincent, I'm Pierce Jau Hunter.

...I know... but...

Ugh, just tell me!

I'm a teacher and I'm dating a student.

And your point is?

Wait, you aren't going to scold me?

Of course not. Love is love, no matter what age, gender or race you are!

Except if the person is like 7 and you're 20?

Now that's a different story, lol xD. Anyways, description please.

17, She's... quite bubbly and can be a kid at times. She cries a lot though. Her interests are me ;), turtles and Jamaican culture.

Lmfao! Alright, I got you. What's going on in your relationship.

Well .-. I kind of... erhm, insulted her...

Spill the beans man!

I mean... Okay. I told her she could go to a party and she got drunk. She called me and when I went to the party, I searched for her. I then found her in the basement on the floor sleeping in her vomit. The next day she woke up and she asked me what happened.


So I- Can I finish please?

Lol okay, go.

-.- So I told her I thought she had more self control than that and she should act more mature than that. She got pissed and stormed off.

You aren't telling her side of the story. Vincent, you have to realize girls can't hear certain things and believe it's alright. What exactly did she reply?

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