Chapter Sixteen - Vincent and Zachary Part I

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[A/N]: Uh oh o_O...

                                        ~ Chapter Sixteen - Vincent and Zachary Part I ~


      I peeked through the curtains to see other people presenting. Where the hell was Zachary? I looked at the time, we were up in five minutes.

"Ms. Valentine, is everything fine?" said Vincent approaching me.

"No." I pouted. "Mr. Maxwell, Zachary isn't here!"

    The double doors burst wide open as Zachary ran in panting.

"I never knew this crap was first period!" he yelled

   I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Go get changed! We're on in three minutes! This is 70% of our grade!"

   Zachary paused and stared at me.

"Wow... Azura, you look... breathtaking." he said with a small smile.

   From the corner of my eye, I saw Vincent's fist tighten. It seemed like Zachary saw this too. He gave Vincent a questioning glance and walked to the changing rooms.

"I swear that kid will..." Vincent paused when he realized I was next to him.

"You will not do anything to him." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Ugh, he just pisses me off!"


   We looked over our shoulders to see Keith and a group of his friends who I recognized as Kim, Gary, Sarah and Jazzy walk towards us.

"Hey guys."

"Break a leg." hissed Sarah. "Literally."

"Right back at you." I said smirking.

"Y'know, smirking doesn't work well for you."

"I can say the same about your face. It's absolutely terrible."

"Do you want to fight or something?!"

"Bring it!"

"Okay girls, break it up." said Vincent.

   Sarah and I began to laugh hysterically as I wiped a tear.

"And up next is! Azura Valentine and Zachary Daniels performing Beauty and the Beast!"

   I peeked through the curtains to see the pair walking through them.

"Good luck." they said as they passed me.

   Vincent came up to me and smiled.

"Good luck. I'll watch you from the crowd, if you feel nervous, look at me."

"Okay." I said smiling.

  Zachary came out of the changing room as we walked hand in hand on the stage. I saw Vincent sit down as the reality hit me.

I was scared.

And he was freaking fast.

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