Loving Mr. Maxwell Short #9

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A/N - Hey guys :( The story's coming to a close... I'm really sad xD I have the last chapter and everything... but I need to post one more thing after this and then Chapter Thirty One. WOW... This story really came far, huh? Thank you so much for sticking around everyone T~T. If you want, you guys could check out my newest story, 'How to get an A.' And God damn it D:< My story rating was changed to R because of that damn sexy time chapter D:< Anyways, enjoy this short!

  I held on to Zac, my tears threatening to spill. He heaved a sigh and twirled my hair in his fingers.

"It's alright, we'll just take a look, okay?"

   Nodding, we both began to approach the casket. People around us were crying uncontrollably, even a couple of the 'tough guys' were shedding some tears. I closed my eyes and held on to Zac. I felt his body stiffen and we stopped. I felt his chest rapidly rise and fall. Hesitantly, I opened my eyes.

   There laid Lynn, her almost porcelain skin making her almond brown hair stand out. Her lips were coated in velvet lipstick, making her look like a doll. I let go of Zac and touched the casket. The tears I held began to fall. She had on a velvet slim dress that showed a little cleavage.

"You look like a doll, Lynn." I cried, wiping tears.

   My hand made its way from the casket to her shoulder. I patted it and nodded. This wasn't a dream, this was real. I brushed a strand of hair from her face and flinched at how cold her skin was.

"That's my little girl..." I heard from beside me.

   I didn't even have to look, I automatically knew it was her father.

"She looks gorgeous." I whispered.

"Just like her mother."

    I felt Zac squeeze my shoulder. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I... I just can't! Looking back at him, I cried in his chest.

"Shh... I know, it's okay. Don't worry."

"She didn't deserve this!"

   I remember in freshmen year when I saw first saw Lynn. She was a little shorter and was always quiet. I remember when I didn't have a pencil and she lent me hers. Believe it or not, it was a pencil that started our friendship. Lynn, Luther and I were an unbreakable trio. Luther asked her out and they began to date. Sadly before the end of sophomore  year, Luther broke up with her. Then, everything changed in junior year. She stopped coming to school often, when she'd see me, she wouldn't even glance at me... and then our friendship fell apart.

    But staring at her body in this coffin... it's heartbreaking. More tears came and I let them out. Zac tightened his hold on me and sighed. I still couldn't believe this was happening... more than half of the school mourning Lynn's death... here... and now. I looked up, Zac's eyes staring at her body. His eye whites were pink and his eyes were a dull blue. I looked over at her father. He was stroking her hair and his tears couldn't stop falling.

   Taking a deep breath, I tugged on Zac's hand.

"There's nothing for us here..." I whispered, "Let's go."

   It took him about a minute to break contact with her body. He slowly nodded and turned around, reassuringly squeezing my hand.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now